He Has Feelings - Virgil & Logan

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"I know-"

"Not right now, Logan" Roman cut him off, in deep thought. Logan frowned, turning to Thomas.

"Thomas, I understand the issue-"

"Logan, please...let me think" Thomas cut him off, rubbing the bridge of his nose and clenching his eyes shut.

"But if you listened to me-"

"Logan...please" Patton begged, giving him a pleading look. Logan huffed, crossing his arms. Virgil watched, his eyes softening on the logical trait. After minutes of silence no one had spoke.


"Logan!" Roman and Thomas yelled at the same time, Logan flinched back, dropping his arms slowly. Virgils eyes widened, he stared at Thomas and Roman in shock.

How dare they shout at Logan.

He's trying to help their ungrateful asses!

"Fine then...I apologise for trying to help" he muttered, sinking down. No one listened to him, only Virgil could detect the hurt in his voice.

"You guys are dicks" Virgil muttered, they all whipped their heads to his direction, eyebrows risen.

"He's trying to help..." Virgil shook his head, "And you hurt him" He sunk down and into Logans room, stuffing his hands into his pockets he noticed the logical side sitting at his desk, scribbling away on a piece of paper.

"You okay, Logan?"

Logan sat up at the sudden noise, "Hmm? Oh, I am perfectly fine, thank you" Logan replied, not meeting his gaze. Virgil didn't believe him and sat on his desk, leaning on the wall behind it.

"You sure?" He mumbled, feeling bad for him.

Sometimes they forget Logan does have feelings.

"I...am not, no -...I am merely overreacting, I was being annoying"

"That's where you're wrong, for once" Logan lifted his head to meet Virgils eyes.

"You weren't annoying at all, just trying to help, it's what you do...I don't know why they didn't listen to the voice of reason but...I'm sorry, if they hurt you....maybe we could watch a movie? If you want..." he offered, moving his mouth to the left, shrugging his shoulders lightly.

Logan pondered on it for a few seconds. "A movie sounds nice" he smiled, agreeing to his suggestion.

Nodding, Virgil chose a Disney movie they both liked and sat on Logans bed.

"You cannot stay in here for long" Logan spoke up, Virgil shrugged and leaned on his shoulder.

"Why not?"

"...we do not know yet"

"Which is why I'll stay until we do" Virgil grinned. Logan chuckled softly and they went back to the movie.

During it Logan spoke up. "Are we...friends?"

"No" Virgil replied, shuffling to be more comfortable while still leaning on Logan. "We're best friends" he finished.

"Oh...What is the difference?"

"You have so much to learn..."


(The sex was to get your attention)

Anyway tomorrow and the day after I might not be able to update much (if at all) because I'm going to a sleepover tomorrow and on Wednesday I'm cutting my hair

...actually wait no yeah Wednesday evening I'll update, lol.

Sorry if that...annoys you, don't know why it would but I'm just apologising now, lol

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