Thunder - Thomas x Virgil

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Thomas rolled over in bed, he was woken up due to the thunder outside but he didn't mind it much.

He was surprised when he saw someone laying next to him, thinking the worst he rolled out of bed, the person sat up and Thomas saw it was a scared looking Virgil.

"Wait! Don't leave!" He called, shuffling across the bed and jumping when the thunder sounded. Thomas eyes softened, "Virgil, are you scared?" Virgil bit his lip and looked away, nodding softly.

Thomas sat back on the bed and rubbed Virgil's arm, Virgil shuffled closer to him and Thomas smiled. They laid down together and Thomas held him close as the thunder boomed across the land. "Ah!" Virgil yelped, somehow getting closer to Thomas and shaking.

"It's okay, it can't hurt you" Thomas whispered, his room lighting up for a few seconds.

He heard Virgil whimper so he tightened his grip and hummed a song in his ear, it calmed him down until the Thunder decided to make its presence known once again.

"Thomas!" Virgil cried, shaking more. "Virgil, calm down...its okay, I promise I'll protect you, the thunder can't hurt you, it'll go away soon" His words soothed him and Thomas made sure to calm him down after every thunder strike.

It eventually passed and Virgil slowly stopped shaking, relaxing in Thomas's arms. "Thanks" Virgil mumbled but still kept close to Thomas who didn't move his own arms.

"You're welcome, Virgil, you can come here any time there's thunder" Thomas whispered, Virgil smiled and they both fell asleep, exhausted.


Also, I'm open to any requests!

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