I Give Up - Roman x Logan

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Who wants some Roman angst? I do! might not be good though

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Who wants some Roman angst? I do! might not be good though

The video started off happy, all sides content, talking calmly to one another...until Roman accidentally set everyone off. He didn't mean to, he only mentioned something that he shouldn't of, now everyone was shouting, trying to get their word across.

"This would not have happened if Roman kept his mouth shut" Logan snapped, crossing his arms and glaring at Roman who held a hand over his heart.

"Me? But-"

"Princey, don't even try to defend yourself, nimrod"


"Roman, can you stop being so insensitive for one minute?" Patton finally broke, glaring at the trait. Roman stared at all of them individually, realizing they were all mad at him for one mistake...as if the others hadn't made mistakes before.

He looked to Thomas for some sort of help but the host only looked the other way, leaving Roman completely on his own.

He opened and closed his mouth, trying to think of some sort of reply that wouldn't offend someone until he...gave up.

His arms dropped to his side. This has happened before, actually it's happened in the last few videos they tried to record but it never worked out, in the end, they would all gang up on Roman and leave him defenceless - sometimes he didn't even do anything wrong, they just picked up on things he did in the past.

It's fine, it's not like he needs any more guilt weighing on his breaking heart.

"Fine" he whispered in such an emotionless voice it worried the sides a slight bit. Usually, he would've apologized by now and all would be normal...not today.

"I'm insensitive, huh? I didn't notice, maybe I should try harder" Patton went to speak but Roman was already talking again, this time to Virgil.

"I shouldn't defend myself? Okay" he shrugged, "Attack me all you want! I won't try and stop you"

Finally, Logan.

"You want me to keep my mouth shut? Fine" he let out a humorless, pain-filled chuckle. "You will never hear one word" he pointed to his mouth, "from me again"

Pinching his two fingers he dragged them over his lips, like he was zipping them closed, and throwing away the key.

He glanced at Thomas, shaking his head. "Thanks" he mouthed, sinking down into his room. The room went deadly silent until Logan spoke up, adjusting his glasses.

"He is merely in a mood - he will be talking again tomorrow, I am sure"

But, for once, Logan was wrong.

Roman didn't speak for the entire day, he left his room and grabbed a snack. Patton tried to talk to him but he acted as if the bubbly trait wasn't there, leaving the room in silence.

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