Sleepy 2 - Virgil x Logan

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I feel bad for not updating a lot but I know I will feel tired in school tomorrow but I care more about you guys then myself which is not a surprise

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I feel bad for not updating a lot but I know I will feel tired in school tomorrow but I care more about you guys then myself which is not a surprise

I would put a flower before myself.

Probably even a flower petal not gonna lie.

Anyway enjoú

Ever since the sides found out about Logans narcolepsy they have not stopped teasing him about it.

For example.

"I know you I walked with you once upon a dream-!" Roman sang loudly, elegantly gliding around the living room as he did. Logan sighed, putting down his reading book to glare at the fanciful side.

"Roman! Will you stop your singing?" He pleaded, Roman paused, turning to face him.

"Okay, I'm sorry" He said, sitting on the couch. Logan was surprised it was that easy but definitely didn't complain. He went back to reading and Roman smirked, leaning back on the couch.

In a softer voice than before he began to sing a soothing lullaby, Logan didn't mind, not realising Roman was trying to make him fall asleep.

But, it was working. Logan yawned, feeling tiredness slowly take over. Roman shuffled down the couch, sitting next to his swaying body, he gently took the book from his hands, still singing the song. Logans eye lids fell and Roman caught him before he would slam against the back of the couch, instead the royal gently laid him against the plush cushion, grinning.

He put the bookmark in and left the room, shutting off the light with his departure. 

Few days later...

Logan found himself in the living room with Patton, listening to him make up a crazy story (adding puns) with his over - imaginative mind.

"Patton, that is physically impossible" Logan denied as soon as he began to speak about walking and talking cookies.

Patton was still grinning, looking at Logan with hidden mischief. "Would you like me to tell you are more.. logical story?" Logan nodded and Patton told him to get comfy, which he did.

Patton began to tell him an improved story, his voice gradually becoming softer, Logans head drooped slightly, resting on the back of the couch, then his eyes went half closed, his breathing evened out and he was out.

Patton giggled silently, covering his mouth. "So cute..." he whispered, slowly leaving the room.

Even more days later...

"Vir-" Logan paused to yawn, trying to swat Virgils hand away from his hair. "I am trying to work" he sighed, rubbing his tired eyes. Virgil frowned, mumbling a fine. The room went silent and Logan knew he would fall asleep in this environment.

He played a podcast and Virgil quickly left. Hours later Virgil kept messing around with Logan, bugging him about the narcolepsy, getting him tired as much as possible, little things that made Logan agitated.

At the end of the day Logan snapped.

"Can we cuddle-?"

"No, Virgil" Logan replied sternly, pushing down the hood to his onesie. "No we cannot"

They were both about to go to sleep, Virgil asking if he could cuddle which is what they did every night.

"What's wrong?" Virgil frowned, Logan sighed, pinching his nose. "Maybe how, for some reason, I am permanently tired during the day?" He replied in an almost sassy tone, eyes still closed.

"Or how I am never tired during the night because some people think it is absolutely hilarious I fall asleep in the day?" He carried on, listing a few more issues he had on his mind.

Logan sighed, shaking his head and groaning into his hands. "I'm sorry, Logan...I didn't know-"

"It is fine, do not apologise"


"Stop" Logan muttered, turning to his bed. He suspected Virgil to leave, but when he still heard the soft breathing from the anxious side he gave in. Laying on his bed he motioned Virgil over, he doing so reluctantly.

"I'm really sorry" he murmured, resting his head on his chest, Logan sighed once more. "It is alright, refrain from doing so in the future, though...please?"

Virgil nodded, "Promise...g'night, nerd"

Logan smiled, closing his eyes. "Goodnight, Dear"

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