Imaginary Friend - Logan x Virgil

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Logan was reading in the silent classroom, the only noise was the sound of paper being turned over, the occasional cough and the ticking of the clock.

He had finished the test ten minutes ago, answering every question correctly, now he was reading for the next forty five minutes.

He came to a particular funny part in the story and let out a quiet snort that wasn't acknowledged by anyone else, but...of course, his "imaginary friend" had to show up.

"Shhhh! It's a test" he grinned, floating in front of him. Logan sighed and glared at him. He rolled over in the air, resting his arms on nothing to hold up his head.

He fake pouted, "Don't be grouchy! I just wanted to talk!"

Logan sighed again and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Do you have to show up now?" He whispered angrily. His friend only shrugged, floating around the classroom and reading people's work.

He suddenly burst into laughter which only Logan could hear, "this person will so fail" he grinned, Logan rolled his eyes and subtly watched as his friend floated around in the air.

"Roman" He said warningly when his friend, or Roman, made silly faces at a student.

Someone sitting close to Logan glanced at him before going back to their work.

"You never let me do anything fun!" Roman complained, laying on his table. Logan let a small smile slip onto his lips and rested his hand on his stomach.

"Shh, its a test" Logan whispered quietly, Roman smirked before vanishing, leaving Logan to read his book again.

"Now is the perfect opportunity!" Roman said in a sing song voice, Logan shot him a glare and looked back at his crush who was at his locker.

"Because if you don't get him I will~" Roman smirked, Logan pushed him and he floated away slightly.

"Only I can see you" Logan muttered, "until I fall in love, which will be great relief"

"Oh hush!" Roman grinned, "you'll miss meeeee!"

"I doubt that"

"Ugh, you sir are stalling! Talk to him!"

Logan was about to go when he paused, turning to face Roman with a risen eyebrow. "If you go away forever when I fall in love...why do you want me to date him so bad?"

Roman shrugged, "isn't it obvious?" He replied. Logan gave him a look before walking away, Roman set his feet on the ground and leaned on the wall, watching his human talk to his crush all shy and embarrassed, his crush, who Roman knew his name to be Virgil, only smiled slightly and blushed with him.

He assumed Logan took what he said the wrong way, Roman doesn't want to leave, he really has bonded with Logan but the sooner he falls in love the better, Roman didn't think he would be able to watch his human grow up, forget about him and fall in love, letting Roman leave without even remembering who Roman was.

He sighed and slowly disappeared.

Months passed, Logan and Virgil were only becoming closer and closer, surprising Roman Logan hadn't forgot about him and whenever he wasn't in public he always called for him and they talked for hours.

Sadly, though, a year into their relationship, Roman will have to leave. As soon as Logan says the special three words he will be gone forever, but Logan doesn't know that.

Roman watched in the background as Logan took Virgil around the park, it was dark out and they were the only two there, making it even more romantic, somehow. Roman stayed strong, he watched the whole night with a happy smile, he was so proud of his human.

Once the two got home, had some food and went to bed Roman stood in the doorway of their bedroom, watching the two cuddle.

Then, Virgil spoke.

"I love you..."

Romans heart dropped, he casted his eyes down and closed his eyes.

"I love you too"

Thanks for the OneShot idea!

Thanks for the OneShot idea!

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