...Yes? - Roman x Patton

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"Cookie?" Roman called, entering the living room. Patton looked up from the plate of cookies on his lap, smiling happily upon seeing his boyfriend.

"Hi, Roro!" He giggled, placing the plate on the coffee table and giving Roman a hug. Logan and Virgil watched from the couch, Virgil resting on Logan while the logical trait played with his hair gently.

"Can I tell you something?"

Patton nodded, "Sure!"

He chuckled, pressing a kiss to his lips. "guapísimo" he spoke, brushing Pattons hair to the side, now able to see all of his adorable face. He watched Patton process what he had said, trying to figure it out.

Finally, he replied.


Roman let out a laugh, hugging his Patton close. Logan sighed, shaking his head. "What did he say?" Virgil mumbled, Logan quietly told him as Patton asked the same question to Roman.

"guapísimo" Roman replied, grinning from ear to ear.

"What does it mean?"

Roman chuckled softly, "Me gustas" he whispered.

Patton frowned, "I'm confused"

"Don't worry, Cookie" Roman whispered, kissing him once more.

"Te amo"

Is all the Spanish correct who knows hahhhahahahahhahaa I may be half Spanish but damn am I bad at the language

Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots 2 Where stories live. Discover now