Dragon Witch 2 - Patton x Logan

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Obsessed with this song right now ^

I've made one with Patton being a dragon witch beforroooeee

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I've made one with Patton being a dragon witch beforroooeee...but I was requested to do it again and I decided to make a different plot from the last dragon witch one shot...with Patton being the dragon witch...y'know

Hope you enjoú

Logan slammed shut the book he was reading, tossing onto the table. It was a stupid book, he thought, angrily snatching it up and stuffing it back onto the shelf from where it came.

He shook his head.

Dragon witches don't exist. Never have, never will, they're another made up tale like big foot and the Loch Ness Monster.

The old librarian came around the corner, spotting Logan - a common visitor - fuming at the book.

"What's wrong, Dear?" She asked, her old voice raspy but caring.

Logan ran a hand through his hair, turning to the lady with a forced smile.

"Nothing, Liz, I am fine"

"Dearie, you couldn't fool a child"

Logan sighed, gesturing to the book. "This book" he waved, "is trying to get its readers to believe dragon witches exist- I mean, come on"

Liz chuckled, taking down the book with her wrinkly hands, gliding a finger down the old hard cover.

"It's true"

Logan bit back a scoff, "true?"

"I've seen one, I was only young...thirteen, fourteen, they were very nice..." Logan thought she was crazy, which wouldn't be a surprise. Logan didn't want to know how old she was, he wondered why she hadn't retired yet.

"They told me everything they wanted to do in their life...grow up to be a dragon witch who protects others of its kind, marry a female he loved for her, not for her looks, and have a child, a boy named Patton, or a girl named...Penny? Or was it...Abigail?"

Logan rolled his eyes, not believing a word. He loved that woman to bits - in a platonic way - but she did believe in the most impossible things.

"Thank you for telling me that...but I must be going" Logan stated, grabbing his bag, Liz held his arm before he could leave.

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