I Want You! - Thomas x Virgil

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Thomas suddenly sat up on the couch he was just laying on, after scrolling through Twitter and tumblr for what seemed like hours he missed his boyfriend, Virgil. He hasn't see that angsty ball of adorableness all day.

He stood up and summoned the dark trait, he appeared on the stairs, looking a little bewildered.

"Uh...hi?" He said more like a question, glancing around.

"Why am I here?"

"I wanted you here!" Thomas smiled, standing in front of him, happily. "I missed you!"

Virgil cocked his head to the side ever so slightly, his eyebrows drawing together slowly. "You missed...me?" He repeated, more shocked then he should be. Thomas nodded, holding his hand with his cute smile.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I?"

"Cus...it's me?"

"What difference does that make?" Virgil sighed, shrugging. He had wanted to be with Thomas all day, to, but he didn't want to be clingy and annoying.

"Sorry...I didn't know" Virgil apologised, Thomas shook his head and pecked Virgils cheek.

"It's okay! It wasn't your fault, we can cuddle if you want" Thomas offered, already heading to the couch, tugging Virgil over gently. The anxious side plopped down on the couch, feeling the host hug him close, closing his eyes and sighing in content.

Virgil slowly relaxed into him, hugging him back, breathing in his comforting scent. "Can we stay like this forever?"

"Whatever you say"

Thanks for the request! I hope it was good. Haha


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