Body Swap - Roman x Logan

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If there are any mistakes please tell me cus I can't be bothered to read through it haha

Roman was fighting the almighty dragon witch in the imagination, he was winning and she was close to death. With one final blow the dragon witch fell to the ground in a heap, Roman smirked dug his sword into the ground so he could lean on it.

The dragon witch lifted her scaly head and glared at a smug looking Roman. "You love killing things, don't you?"

Roman shrugged, still wearing his smug smile which pissed the dragon witch off.

"You deserve to be cursed!" She spat, coughing afterwards.

"You have fun with that" Roman smirked, waving and walking away.

"I curse you to wake up and never be the same again!" She yelled but Roman ignored her, he left the imagination and sorted out his injuries before flopping on the bed and falling asleep. He was worn out.

The next morning he woke up and rubbed his eyes, weirdly he couldn't..see

"What?" He muttered, well tried to mutter, he couldn't speak. His eyes widened and he pressed his fingers against his neck, he opened his mouth but no words came out.

Worried, and petrified he stumbled out of the room and towards the kitchen, Virgil and Patton were already in there. He could barely see and he couldn't speak, also he felt...weaker, not as muscle-y as he did yesterday.

"Guys! Help!" He tried to say but again nothing came out, virgil stared at him like he was crazy, he was throwing his arms around and pointing to his neck and mouth.

"Logan? Are you okay?" Patton asked, Roman turned to him confused.

He mouthed "I'm not Logan" but Patton couldn't understand, "He's going insane, Logan would never do something like..this" Virgil gestured to Roman.

Then Logan, or Roman, walked in, looking furious. He turned to himself and glared.

"You better tell me what you have done right now, Roman!"

"I don't know!" He tried to reply but nothing but gasps came out. Logan sighed and clapped a hand over his face.

"Wait, Roman? I'm so confused" Virgil held his hands up and left, not wanting to get involved.

"What's happening?" Patton asked, turning to Logan who was in Romans body.

"He somehow made us switch bodies, I do not know why he is not talking and you cannot see without glasses!" He summoned his glasses and put them on Romans face, he blinked a few times, finally able to see again.

Suddenly Romans brain clicked. "Dragon witch" he thought, spinning on his heel he dashed to the imagination but Logans body wasn't as fast as Romans.

He ran in and straight towards the dragon witches castle, he slammed open the doors and walked straight up to that ugly, curse giving monster.

"What did you do?!" He tried to yell but to no avail. The dragon witch smirked, "What? Cat got your tongue?" She swung her tail around, now usually Roman could dodge it but being in Logan's body he wasn't as agile, her tail slammed him against the wall and all of his air shot out through his mouth.

Collapsing to the floor he grabbed his back in pain, gritting his teeth. The witch took off the glasses and broke them under her foot, picking Logans body up she dropped him from a great height repeatedly. Roman was in so much pain he nearly passed out.

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