Flower Crown - Virgil x Logan

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"Logan!" Virgil called, Logan opened his door and adjusted his glasses.

"Yes, Virgil?"

"I need your opinion on something" He mumbled sheepishly, bobbing on his feet. Logan rose his eyebrow, "My opinion?"

Virgil nodded, "For this particular thing...your opinion is the only one I care about...well, I'll try....please?"

Logan shrugged and walked to Virgils room with him, "so..turn around" Logan did so and heard a draw being opened and shut. "You better not prank me" Logan warned, fixing his tie.

"No pranks, I promise" Virgil replied, Logan waited a few minutes before he got the okay from Virgil to turn around.

Once he did the first thing he noticed was the flower crown sitting on his head, three in the middle was red roses with white parts in the middle of them while on the sides were red and black roses. Virgils eyes were staring at the ground, he fidgeted with his sleeve.

"Do you like it?" Virgil asked after a few minutes of unbearable silence.

"I would not wear it" Logan replied, then he realised something, Virgil wanted his opinion on what it looked like on him. Sometimes he was a bit oblivious to those kind of things.

"But it looks good on you. I think-" Logan paused and adjusted it so it was more straight. "You look beautiful" he smiled. Virgil blushed and stared at Logan with happiness shining in his eyes, a rare occurrence.


"I would not say it if it was not true" Logan replied, Virgil looked in the mirror and delicately touched it.

"I...I made you one, but I don't know if you like them" Virgil shrugged, slowly walking to his desk, Logan stood next to him and pointed at the flower crown with dark blue roses.

"Is this mine?" Virgil nodded and Logan put it on, looking at himself in the mirror.

"It matches my tie so it is a win in my books" Virgil grinned and they shared a hug, "thanks, Kitten"

"It was my pleasure, Dear"

They both left Virgils room and Logan went back to his own to finish his work when Virgil slowly walked to the living room. He had doubts but he thought of what Logan said and pushed forward.

Standing in the doorway of the room he felt worried and anxious, he nearly turned around and rushed back to his own room when Patton called his name.

"OH! VIRGIL! THAT LOOKS SO CUTE!" He squealed, running up to him and grinning giddily at the roses. Virgil hid his blush and mumbled a thanks.

"It suits you, meta knight" Virgil snorted and shook his head, sending a playful glare at Roman.

An hour later Logan walked in still wearing his own crown, Patton squealed again while Roman complained about him not having one.

"I'll make you one, baby"

"AND ME!" Patton yelled happily, Virgil nodded with a slight smile, he guessed ignoring his anxious thoughts do end up to happy endings.




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