Can't Understand - Roman x Logan

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few days

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few days...I've been busy...I'm terribly sorry, folks

Also this OneShot will have Spanish in it...I know all of it is correct so....yay


"Can you see him?" Virgil mumbled, leaning on the pale wall behind him, glancing up from his phone. Patton looked at the crowd of people in the airport, eyes scanning everywhere. "Not yet, he'll be here soon!" Patton assured them, holding his sign up higher.

Logan sighed, deciding to situate himself next to Virgil even if he found the wall to be highly unhygienic. "He is arriving from Spain, correct?" Logan questioned, looking at his own phone for the time.

"Uh-huh!" Patton nodded, smiling.

"There he is!" Patton announced a few minutes later, pointing into the crowd. Logan and Virgil looked up at the same time, watching as a man around the same height as them all emerged. His clothes were quite bright and he wore a wide grin on his face, eyes lighting up upon seeing Patton.

He rushed over and picked Patton up in a hug, twirling him around while laughing happily. "Hola, Roman!" Patton giggled after being put down by the energetic man. Logan rose his eyebrow when Roman replied in Spanish, glancing at Virgil who looked just as confused.

"I thought Patton said he didn't speak Spanish..." Virgil murmured to Logan who shrugged his shoulder loosely, "He might have learned it"

Once the two finished their conversation Patton said he needed the toilet, so he would be back in a minute, leaving Roman with Logan and Virgil - two men he didn't know.

Logan, knowing Virgil wouldn't speak, decided to introduce himself.

"Greetings, I am Logan"

Roman stared at him for a few seconds, "Solo entiendo Español"

"D'you know what that means?" Virgil whispered, Logan hesitantly replying with a no. Roman noticed their confusion and spoke again. "Solo hablo español" he said, it coming out in a questioning tone. Again, Logan and Virgil looked confused.

Soon enough, Patton rushed back, still smiling happily. Roman asked him something and Patton paused for a few seconds. "Oh! I'm sorry!" He turned to Logan and Virgil, "heh...I forgot to say he can't speak English!"

"That would have been beneficial information beforehand, Patton" Logan sighed, clasping his hands together.

"I'm sorry! Do you know anything?"

"Nada" Virgil mumbled, gaining Romans attention and earning a smile from the said Spanish boy.

"Oh...Logan?" The smarter man sighed, looking away to think. "Erm... tu eres muy gracioso" he eventually spoke, glancing at Roman who chuckled.

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