Did it hurt? - Roman x Virgil

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Lol ^

I love Roman, lol

Roman proudly glided into his boyfriends room, a smug grin plastered onto his face.

"Here we go" Virgil whispered, rolling his eyes.

"Did it hurt?" Roman asked, Virgil rolled his eyes, predictable.

"What? When I fell from heaven?" He replied mockingly, Roman shook his head, still grinning.

"What, then?"

Roman took a few steps closer to his bed. "Did it hurt when you fell for me?"

Virgil paused for a few seconds, "No" he replied, shrugging. "But I regretted it ever since"

Roman gasped, holding a hand over his heart, mouth falling open in shock. Virgil couldn't help but laugh at his expression. "I'm kidding, moron"

Roman fake pouted, crossing his arms. Virgil sighed, shaking his head and going back to his phone.

"I didn't regret it" Roman mumbled, Virgil groaned into his hand. He stretched out his other arm and grabbed Romans sash, pulling him down he smashed his lips against his, pulling him closer and closer. The kiss was long, their tongues clashed against each other in the battle for dominance.

Roman won, obviously.

The two pulled back, panting heavily. "I said" Virgil breathed, "I was kidding, dork"

Roman smirked, "no you didn't-"

"Yes I did-"

"You said moron"



"LaNgUaGe!" Patton screeched.

I got the idea from dis!

I got the idea from dis!

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