Go To Sleep - Patton x Roman

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I've read one similar to this so I apologise if you think I am stealing the idea but in my defence this is a request sooooooo

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I've read one similar to this so I apologise if you think I am stealing the idea but in my defence this is a request sooooooo

Well at least I think it is, anyway.

It was late, around midnight, Patton was barely awake, his eyes falling  shut every few seconds before he would snap awake again. He had to wait until half one in the morning before he could fall asleep as that was the time the others were usually asleep.

Finally, it was time. Patton stood up and would pause every few seconds, slapping himself awake.

"Only a few more minutes" he whispered to himself. He checked Logans room first, the logical side was sound asleep in his comfy unicorn onesie. Smiling, Patton kissed his forehead in a fatherly way before leaving, closing the door quietly.

Next, he checked Virgils room, the anxious trait also sleeping peacefully. Patton smiled once more, realising tonight would be another night Virgil doesn't get a nightmare. He kissed his forehead, too, and left to go to Romans.

His room was furthest away because it was the closest to the imagination, he wanted to stay there in case something escaped it would go for Roman first.

He was quite protective.

Patton entered his room, feeling exhausted he would barely stand up straight.

He didn't even check to see if Roman was asleep - he wasn't - before leaning down to kiss his head. But in his tired state he missed and somehow kissed his lips by accident. Roman, who watched him in confusion as soon as he entered, gasped against his lips, staring into his own eyes which had snapped open.

Patton stumbled back, breathing heavily. "I'm sorry" he whispered, backing into the wall. Roman shook his head, standing up and slowly walking over to him.

"It's okay but, I must ask...why?"

"I...I usually do this" Patton blushed, Roman looked perplexed. "What? Kiss me while I sleep?"

Patton blushed further, shaking his head quickly. "No-no no! I check to see if everyone is asleep and kiss their head...like a dad" he shrugged at the end, forcing himself to stop thinking about the kiss and how much he enjoyed it.

Roman nodded slowly, "so you usually stay up this late? And clean up the next day? Patton, how much rest do you get?"

Patton frowned, casting his eyes down. He doesn't like to lie.

"Not much....I usually fall asleep at two, and wake up at seven..."

"Five hours of sleep? Patton, that isn't good" Roman frowned, walking closer. Patton mumbled an apology and Roman sighed, tilting his head up.

"It's fine, Pat, just...try not to put people before yourself" Patton nodded, staring into Romans eyes.

"Now that that's over" Roman grinned, leaning in close. "Our kiss wasn't long enough" he mumbled, pressing his lips against Pattons parted ones. He gasped, placing his hands on Romans shoulders, Roman pinned him against the wall, kissing him deeply.

Pattons legs felt like jelly, Roman easily holding him up.

Once they finally parted Roman rested his forehead on Pattons, kissing his nose. "Tomorrow night...promise to miss my forehead again?"

Patton grinned.


Is this a request? Who knows, thank you if it was!

Is this a request? Who knows, thank you if it was!

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