Scream - Virgil x Roman

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Hehe lol

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Hehe lol

Holy shit (this was yesterday (Sunday))

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Holy shit (this was yesterday (Sunday))

Holy shit (this was yesterday (Sunday))

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Virgil tapped his pen against his book bored out of his mind. This one lesson was the one he absolutely despised, it was so stupid! The teacher droned on as Virgil laid his head in his arms and closed his eyes.

He let his mind drift too deep thoughts, one thought striking him as interesting.

What if some people could read minds?

Virgil hated the idea that someone could possibly be reading his thoughts at that very second, they were his thoughts - his secret thoughts.

Just in case someone was reading his mind he decided he would scream - in his mind - to scare them.

He sat up and cleared his throat, he didn't know why as he was going to scream in his mind. Why did he suddenly feel nervous? As if someone could actually read minds. Gosh, he needed his friend Logan to instantly shut down these stupid thoughts.

But, he'd do it anyway.

He prepared himself before he screamed in his mind...

Virgil nearly screamed aloud when at the exact same time he screamed his crush a few seats ahead to the right jumped.

Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots 2 Where stories live. Discover now