Bucket List - Patton x Logan

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Patton was cleaning his room when he came across a box hidden behind a few things. Confused, he pulled it out and opened it up, it was filled with a bunch of things from the past which made him smile brightly, he plucked out a few things and let himself fall into deep nostalgia.

Finally, he pulled out the last item which was a small, metal bucket. Why did he have this? He thought, he can't remember it linking to anything....

He saw a DVD inside and pulled it out, placing the bucket next to his leg he read the words scribbled on the dusty thing.

Bucket list!

Patton gasped, now he remembered! He tried to do this but he...forgot, actually he didn't think he's done anything on the list.

He placed the DVD into the player and watched his past self explain everything on the list, Patton smiled and re-watched it, writing everything down.

Once the video stopped he read the first thing on the list.

1. Be surrounded by fifty dogs!

Patton grinned and jumped up, putting everything back apart from the bucket and list he skipped off to the imagination.

It was easy to make all fifty dogs appear and for the next hour he played and cuddled with each and every one of them.

"Bye, puppies!" He waved, they barked and all ran of happily.

Patton made a collar appear in his hand and placed it in the bucket.

2. Eat three cookies!

"Three..." he whispered, a grin forming on his face. He bounced to the kitchen and grabbed the hidden cookie jar, pulling out three and eating them happily, giggling cutely every so often.

Once he finished he made a plastic cookie appear in the box.

3. Buy Logan a teddy because he's the only one who doesn't have one!!

Patton gasped, suddenly remembering that little fact. He explained to Thomas what he was doing and his host agreed to go to the shop with him to buy the teddy.

"Logy Bear!" Patton called, skipping into Logans room. "Greetings, Patton" he replied absentmindedly, writing on some paper. Patton smiled and placed the teddy on his bed, letting Logan carry on with his work.

He made a small teddy appear in the bucket and went through a few more things on the list easily.

6. Let Virgil put makeup on me....or yourself!

Patton grinned, bounding off to Virgils room.

"Hiya, Kiddo!" Patton waved, sitting on his bed. Virgil looked up at his Dad and smiled, "Sup" he mumbled, sitting up on the bed.

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