biblebuild, build is sick on tour.

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weronikagrass2004i hope you like it.

The kinnporsche cast was going on tour

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The kinnporsche cast was going on tour. Everyone was very exited about the tour. Build was exited but he hasn't really felt good these past few days.

He always smiles. Even when he's having the hardest time he always puts on a big bright happy smile.

The kp( kp stand for kinnporsche). Cast was at the studio practicing for the tour. Apo and mile was practicing their little dance they are going to be doing.

Jeff and barcode are talking about the tour and how exited they are. Tong is talking with ta , us , nott , and Perth. Bible walks up to build and sits beside him.

Bible notices build looking at his phone.

Bible: what are you looking reading?

Build: oh , ah nothing , just watching some Twitter videos.

Dance instructor: bible , build , it's your turn to come practice for your dance.

Build quickly gets up and walks to the dance spot. Bible knows when build is faking and real smiling. He knows something is wrong but doesn't want to keep pushing it.

Bible and build get into their dance positions. Bible is holding builds waist with one hand and one hands on builds face , hugging build from the back. Build has one hand on Bibles face.

They started dancing. Bible then spun build around and caught him in his arms. He then lifted him up out of his arms and they continued dancing.

After the dance build went to set down and get some water. Bible sit down beside build. He noticed build looked paler then usual. He put his hand on builds for head. Build got confused when bible did that.

Bible: bui , you feel warm.

Build: I'm fine , I'm just tired that's all.

Bible: are you sure?

Build nods and smiles so bible won't worry. Bible can see right through his smile. Tomorrow is the start of the tour.  They are going to Korea , Seoul.

They will stay in a hotel tomorrow in Korea  and then the next day they will do their. concert.

Tomorrow finally comes. Everyone is packed up and they all meet each other at the studio. Barcode is running around all exited. Jeff can't help but laugh at how adorable he is when he's exited. Apo and mile are laughing at ta and toh who are bickering about who's going to share a hotel room.

And the others are all talking.

Bible pov.

I know something's wrong with build , he's so quiet today. He always talks a lot. But he's being quiet today. He doesn't even look good. He looks really pale.

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