phayurain , rain is sick.

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kittyarora5 I hope you like it 😊

kittyarora5 I hope you like it 😊

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Rain woke up in phayu's bed. He remembered what happened last night. ( They did it 😏, if you don't know what happens in ep 5 ). He went to get yo but fell off of the bed.

Rain: oww! Rain was in pain. He got up and groaned in pain. 😂

He wanted to leave and go home before phayu seen him. He was just going to try and avoid phayu for now. he gets dressed and quietly sneaks out of the house. He walks past the window to phayu's gym and sees him working out shirtless. He stares for a good 5 minutes. He snaps out of it and sneaks out the gate and leaves. He has a headache and a stuffy nose , he hates when he gets a cold.

When he gets home he gets into his pajamas and lays down in bed , he turns his phone on silent so he doesn't have to get woke up by spam calls. He closes his eyes and falls asleep. Rains mom wasn't home so it was just rain home.


Phayu seen that rain has left already. He tries calling him but he didn't pick up. He got s little bit worried because he wasn't answering his phone. He decided to just go see if he went home. He got in his motorcycle and left. When he got there he knocked on the door but no answer. He then found a spare key under the matt and unlocked the door. He walked in and started looking for rain. He walked into rains room and seen him sleeping. He was relieved he was ok. Be noticed rain looking pale. He felt his head and rain was burning up. Phayu got a wet wash rag and put it on rains head. He set beside him and just kept an eye on him while scrolling through his phone.

6:00 pm...

Phayu notices rain breathing heavy and sweating. Rains fever came back. Phayu quickly went in and fit some medicine. He woke rain up. Rain opened his eyes and was confused on why phayu is there.

Rain: p-phayu , what are you doing he-*cough cough *.

Phayu: here , take this. Phayu says handing the medicine to rain. Rain swallows the medicine. Phayu gets the wash rag wet again and puts it back on rains head.

Phayu sits beside him.

Rain: why are you here?

Phayu: because I was worried , you weren't answering your phone.

Rain: oh , I had it on silent.

Phayu: why did you leave earlier? Are you avoiding me?

Rain: no! I mean no , I just wanted to go home and sleep.

Phayu: rain , I know when your lying.

Rain: i , I wasn't. I really just wanted to go home and slee-*cough * cough * cough.

Phayu: ok ok  , just get some rest and we'll talk later.

Rain nods and lay's down , Phayu goes down stairs to make rain some soup. He brings in back up and hands it to rain. Rain eats it slowly.

Rain: thank you p'phayu. *Sneezes*

Phayu nods and kisses rains forehead.

Phayu: get some rest , my little kitten. Rain blushes and hides under the covers. Phayu's smiles and gets under the covers with him.

Rain: phayu! Rain says laughing while payu keeps pecking him in the lips.

Rain: enough! Rain says laughing.

Phayu: ok ok , go to bed.

Rain snuggles up in the blankets and falls asleep. Phayu puts rains head on his chest and wraps his arms around him and falls asleep.

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