prapaisky , sky gets a nightmare

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PotterBlack25 I hope you like it 😊

Prapai and sky started officially dating a few weeks ago

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Prapai and sky started officially dating a few weeks ago. They are going on their first date today. And after their date , prapai is staying over at sky's dorm room. Sky is very happy their going on there first official date. Sky puts his coat on and goes to the bathroom real quick. He hears the front door open and gets scared. He thinks someone broke in , he grabs A broom and slowly walks out. He gets relieved when he sees it's prapai.

Sky: you just about gave me a heart attack.

Prapai: oh and why is that , because I'd my handsomeness.

Sky: *sighs * no , because I didn't know you was here because and I didn't know the door was unlocked.

Prapai: it wasn't unlocked.

Sky: what , then how did you get in?

Prapai: I have a key.

Sky: how? I never gave you a key.

Prapai: I know , I had one made at the front desk with it out you knowing. Prapai says smiling and walking to the couch to sit.

Sky: just let me put my shoes on and we can go.

Prapai: alright.

Sky puts his shoes on and they head out. Prapai grabs sky's hand while walking. Sky just smiles at him and blushes. They get into the car and drive to the restaurant

They walk in and sit at a table. They pick up a menu and look at it.

Prapai: the steak looks good , what are you gonna get?

Sky: I'm going to get the fish sticks with some fries.

The waiter the comes up and they order.

Prapai: so , I was actually thinking , I want you to meet my family soon.

Sky: really? I'd love to meet them soon.

Prapai: great , I'll let my sister and brother know you want to meet them. Their going to love you.

Sky smiles and the waiter comes back with their food. They talk and eat their food. After their date they go back to sky's dorm.

Sky: hold on , I'll get you some clothes to wear.

Prapai nods and sky hands him a white T-shirt with grey sweatpants. Prapai gets changed and takes into the bedroom. Sky is already laying on the bed. Prapai lays down next to him.

Sky turns over and cuddles up to prapai. They both fall asleep.

Sky's dream....

Sky is alone , he walks down a dark hallway into a room where's note is in the wall. It's a break up letter from prapai. Sky starts crying and freaking out. He's scared and alone.

Sky: no! No please!

Prapai: sky! Sky wake up your dreaming!

Sky then sits up breathing heavy with tears rolling down his face. Sky is shaking and crying. Prapai pulls him into a hug , sky just sobs harder in his arms.

Sky: please dint leave me. Sky says sobbing.

Prapai: I'm not leaving you , it's ok. I'm right here. I'm right here I promise.

Sky pulls away from the hug and looks into prapai's eyes. Prapai wipes sky's tears away and kisses his forehead.

Prapai: what was your dream about?

Sky: y-you left me , I was alone in a white room with just a letter on the wall. Sky says crying again.

Prapai hugs him again.

Prapai: it's ok , I'm right here with you. I'm never going to leave you.

Sky Barrie's his head into prapai's chest , prapai strokes his hair and kisses his head.

After a few minutes they lay back down , sky snuffles up to prapai and prapai puts sky's head in his chest , sky wraps his arms around prapai and they both fall asleep.

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