tharntype , tharn and type get into a fight and Lhong shoots type 🩸

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ray_xqu16 I hope you like it 😊

Type is waiting for tharn to get home

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Type is waiting for tharn to get home. He's furious/jealous. He saw tharn hanging out with someone , which he's fine with , but the guy was flirting with tharn. Type was clenching his fist just thinking about it.


Tharn and type was supposed to hang out today but tharn canceled because he had just found out he had a test coming up and he has to study with a friend. Type didn't care if he studied with someone , he was disappointed that they couldn't hang out but he understands. Type was going to buy some food and then head back to his dorm room. He was walking past the food shop , he seen tharn and tharns friend. He didn't no they was going to be there. He went to walk away but seen tharn's friend touching his shoulder. He kept touching tharn and giggling and making jokes. Tharn just laughed along with him. Type clenched his fist tighter while holding the bag of food. He rolled his eyes and stombed away angry.

End of flashback...

Type is pacing back in forth in the dorm room still angry than ever. He's so pissed at tharn for him not realizing that guy was flirting with him. Type was snapped out of his thoughts when tharn walked in. Tharn looked up and seen type looking pissed off.

Tharn: type , what's the matter?

Type: that guy was flirting with you , and you didn't even stop him.

Tharn: what , what are you talking about?

Type: I was walking back from getting food , and I seen your "friend" , he was flirting you you.

Tharn: thype , are you being serious right now. He's just my friend , we were just joking around a bit.

Type: he was flirting with you tharn , are you too dumb to realize that!

Tharn: I can't believe you right now type! Your being so ridiculous and childish! And I'm not dumb!

Type: I'm not being ridiculous! You shouldn't let someone else flirt with you!

Tharn: type enough! He didn't do anything wrong! You just get jealous too easily!

Type: jealous! I'm not jealous!

Tharn: do you hear you self right now! Your jealous!

Type: if I'm being so jealous , then why don't I just leave! Type pushes tharn out of the way and leaves. Tharn sighs and picks up his bag.


Tharn says walking down the street angry. It was dark out so no one was really around. He was so pissed off at tharn and tharns friend. He kept walking untill he almost walked Infront of a car that was speeding.

Type: asshole! Type says flipping them off. He sighed and turned around. When he turned around he seen Lhong. Lhong was I love with tharn and tries beating type up. That happened a few months ago and they haven't seen Lhong since. This rolled his eyes.

Type: what do you want? Type says not caring.

Lhong: I want you dead , and I want tharn to realize that your nothing but a piece of crap!

Type: stay out of our business you asshole! I'm not in a mood to deal with you or anyone! Fuck off!

Lhong clenched his fist and walked up to type and punches him.

Type: you mother fucker! Type punches him back. Lhong then kicked type in the leg making him trip on to the ground. Type goes to get up lhong pulls out a gun and holds it to type.


It's already dark out and type still isn't back yet. Tharn is starting to get worried so he goes out to look for him. He looks for type for at least 45 minutes straight. He's about to give up and go home when he hears the screaming "mother fucker". Tharn walks quickly towards the yelling. when he gets there , Lhong is holding a gun to type. Lhong then looks back at tharn.

Tharn: l-lhong , put the gun down. Put it down.

Lhong: no! I won't.

Tharn: put it down got dammit!

Lhong: no! He needs to die!

Tharn: lhong , please , type didn't do anything. Just ease put it down please.

Lhong: how could you choose him over me! All he does is make you miserable and you guys never stop fighting!

Tharn: Lhong , we may fight , but that doesn't mean I don't love him. I love him , and he doesn't make me miserable. We fight yes , but that doesn't matter ok just out it down please.

Lhong lost it when tharn says he loves thype. He got ready to pull the trigger. Tharn went to run toward Lhong but Lhong pulled it shooting type in the side.

Tharn: no! Type! Type! What did you do you fucking idiot! No! Tharn held type in his arms crying. Tharn called an ambulance and the cops. He was holding type in his arms crying.

Type: t-tharn. Type says in a weak voice.

Tharn: it's ok , I'm right here type. He says crying.

Type: i-i-i'm s-sor-sorry.

Tharn: no , no you didn't do anything type , just stay awake ok. It's going to be ok. Stay awake please. Tharn says crying harder.

Type: *cough *cough. Type coughed blood up.

Just then the ambulance arrived. They rushed type to the hospital. The cops found Lhong and arrested him and tharn rushed to the hospital. They doctors told tharn that type was in surgery so tharn has to wait in the waiting room. Tharn felt so guilty for the right they had earlier. Tears was streaming down his face. He couldn't loose type , he loves him more then anything , he loves him so much. He waited in the waiting room for 2 hours. The doctor eventually came up to him. He quickly stood up and looked at her with tears and worry in his eyes.

Doctor: type is going to be ok. he's luckily the bullet didn't go in that far. He's in his room resting , he's awake. He's going to need to stay here a few days , and he might be in pain but we gave him something for the pain so it should help. You can see him now.


Tharn peeked around the door and seen type sitting up looking out the window from his bed. Tharn has tears in his eyes threatening to fall. He walked in , type turned around when he heard footsteps. He seen tharn and tears welled up in his eyes. Tharn couldn't hold his tears anymore. They all came pouring out. Tharn hugged type and type hugged him back. They both cried into each other's arms.

Tharn: type I'm so sorry. I'm sorry,  I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let him flirt with me.

Type: tharn , I should the one sorry. I shouldn't have got so jealous , I'm sorry.

Tyle pulls away from the hug and wipes tharns tears away.

Tharn: I'm sorry , I'm sorry this happened to you.

Type: it's ok tharn , it's not your fault.

Tharn kisses type on the forehead and sits beside him while holding his hand.

Tharn: are you in any pain?

Type: just a little , the pain meds are starting to kick in.

Type: I admit I was a bit jealous. I'm sorry.

Tharn: a bit? Tharn says laughing a little bit.

Type: tharn , don't make me throw this pillow at you.

Tharn: ok ok , no more arguing , get some rest.

Type: tharn , I love , you idiot.

Tharn: I love you too. Tharn says smiling.

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