bossnoeul , nouel is pregnant and is sick

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michlae2 I hope you like it 😊

It was the afternoon , bass was baking some Christmas cookies and nouel was still asleep

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It was the afternoon , bass was baking some Christmas cookies and nouel was still asleep. Boss and noeul have been dating for 2 years now. They moved in together about a year ago. Nouel was also 3 months pregnant. They was both very happy and excited to be parents.

After boss made Christmas cookies , he poured some milk and went into the bedroom to wake nouel up. Boss strokes noeul's hair and softly smiles at him.

Boss: baby it's time to wake up. Bass says with a soft and gentle voice. Noeul opened his eyes and looked up at boss.

Boss: what's wrong? Boss says with a concerned face and stroking nouel's hair.

Nouel: my head hurts. Noeul says with a raspy voice. Boss feels nouel's forehead.

Boss: get some more rest , you have a fever. I'll go get you some medicine. Boss kisses nouel's forehead and walks back out into the kitchen. He gets some medicine and makes some warm soup for nouel. He walks into the bedroom and gives the medicine to nouel , nouel sits up and swallows the medicine. Boss then hands nouel the medicine. Nouel sits it on his legs , he scoops up a bite of soup and slowly blows in it. After it's cool he eats the bite.

Nouel: it's cold.

Boss: here, wear my sweatshirt. Boss says taking his sweatshirt off. He hands it to nou , nouel puts it on.

Boss: I'll go turn the heat up. Boss goes and turns the heat up. He comes back in some extra blankets.

Nouel: thanks baby. Boss smiles.

Boss: of course baby. Anything for my precious angel. Nouel smiles and continues eating his soup.


It was about an hour later , nouel was sleeping and boss was decorating the house a bit for Christmas. he was putting a small paper tree on the small table in the front living room. after he out the paper tree down , he started hanging some lights up. He was going to wait to decorate the tree untill nouel felt better , so they could decorate it together. as he was hanging the lights up , he heard the bathroom door slam shut. Boss quit hanging the lights up and went to check on noeul. He opened the bathroom door and nouel was hovered over the toilet throwing up. Boss bent down to I him and rubbed his back.

Boss: oh baby I'm sorry , I know you don't feel good. Is your stomach still upset?

Nouel: y-yes. Nouel says in a shaky voice. Noeul spit mucus up.

Boss: do you want some water? Nouel nods , boss walks to the sink and gets some water. He hands it to nouel and nouel shakely brings it up to his mouth and slowly takes a few sips.

Boss: come lay back down , maybe you'll feel better. Boss helps nouel up and brings him back into the bedroom. Nouel lays down , boss covers him up and kisses his forehead. Nouel was already asleep again. Boss felt so bad that noeul was sick.

Boss put a trash can beside nouel just in case , he then went out of the bedroom and finished putting the lights up. After the lights he went back into the bedroom and laid next to nouel. He scrolled through his phone. He was looking at pictures of their baby ultrasound. He smiled seeing their baby. He looked at nouel's belly and gives it a little rub.


8:30 pm...

Nouel jad just woken up. He got out of bed and seen boss imt he kitchen cooking. Boss turned around and smiles at nouel he had a apron on.

Boss: hey babe. Do you feel better?

Nouel: a little. Nouel says sitting down at the counter.

Boss:, I'm making some dinner. It'll be done in a few minutes.

Nouel: ok.

After a few minutes boss sits two plates down on the counter and sits next to noeul. Noeul and boss start eating dinner.

Boss: I decorated a little bit , after your feeling better we can decorate the tree together.

Nouel: did you hang the lights up right?

Boss: yes don't worry , I put them up right. Boss says smiling and taking a bite of his food. Noeul nods and takes a bite of his food.

Boss: and how's that little one in there? Boss says feeling nouel's stomach.

Nouel: he's been kicking a lot.

Boss: I can't wait to hold him/her. Noeuls miles and rubs his stomach.


After dinner nouel and boss head to bed. Nouel falls asleep in boss's arms.


1:39 am...

Nouel wakes up and his stomach is really upset. He quickly bends over the trash can and vomits. Boss boss also wakes up. He sees nouel throwing up I'm the trash can. Boss goes over beside him and rubs his back.

Boss: you poor thing , you can't hold anything down. Boss says moving a piece of nouel's hair. noeul starts to gag. He throws up bile.

Boss: I'm gonna buy you some more medicine tomorrow. Nouel nods and wipes his mouth off. Boss takes the garbage bag out and throws it away , he them puts a new one in the trash can and puts it back beside nouel. Nouel lays back down , and boss rubs his belly. Nouel falls asleep and boss continues rubbing his belly.

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