jeffbarcode , barcode was at the mall and a fire started

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user310436768666 I hope you like it 😊

user310436768666 I hope you like it 😊

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12:30 pm...

Barcode woke up and didn't see Jeff beside him. He looked at the clock and realized how long he slept in for. He got up and showerd and then went into the kitchen. He seen Jeff in the kitchen. Jeff has food in the counter and was pouring some juice in two cups.

Jeff: good morning angel.

Barcode: good morning phi Jeff. Why didn't you wake me up?

Jeff: I woke you up once but you want back to sleep so I just let you sleep a little longer since we don't have to work today.

Barcode: oh ok , thanks phi Jeff. Barcode missed Jeff on the cheek and set down. Jeff smiled and set the two cups of juice on the counter.

Jeff and Barcode was dating , they've been dating for about 2 years now. They was both very happy.

Jeff: so since we don't have work today I was thinking we could go to the mall tod-jeff got cut off.

Barcode: yes! Barcode says exited.

Jeff: are you that exited about the mall? Jeff says smiling/laughing while drinking his juice

Barcode: sorry , I just exited when we go to the mall.

Jeff: no need to say sorry , I love when you get exited and happy. It's adorable. Barcode smiles and sips his juice.

Jeff: oh but first I need to stop at that one store and get nu phone fixed. Jeff's phone cracked yesterday. The store is right across from the mall

Barcode: kk. Barcode says smiling happy.


Jeff and barcode are about 5 minutes away from the mall. Jeff's going to the phime store to get his phone fixed , and barcode is going to the mall to wait on Jeff because the store barcode really wants to go to is closing in about 20 minutes.  Jeff pulls up to the mall to drop barcode off.

Jeff: I'll be back in a few minutes.

Barcode: kk , I love you phi Jeff. Barcode pecks Jeff on the lips and run out and into the mall. Jeff smiles and waits for barcode to get inside. After he's inside Jeff pulls away and drives over to the phone store. ( It's across from the mall ).


Barcode Is in his favorite store shopping. He gets a teddy bear and some new headphone. He then checks out and walks around the mall some more. He has to use the bathroom so he goes into the bathroom. A fire started In a store and barcode was still in the bathroom. He walked out and seen everyone running. He then seen the fire and started running with everyone else. Everybody was shoving people trying to get out. Barcode was trapped by fire. He couldn't get to the main doors so he ran into a store because the fire was spreading behind him. He was trapped in a store now. He was coughing from the smoke and couldn't breathe from the smoke. He couldn't call Jeff barcode Jeff's phone was being fixed right now.

Barcode:*cough*cough*cough. Barcode tried his best not to inhale the smoke. He started going unconscious.


Jeff had just got his phone fixed. He walked outside and seen the mall on fire. His head just dropped. He ran straight towards the mall. He searched outside to see if he saw barcode anywhere but he didn't see him. Security held him back from going in but Jeff got loose and ran inside. He checked all the stores he could get into. Some of the stores was already in flames. Jeff checks barcodes favorite store. He didn't find him though. He had his mouth covered with his jacket so he couldn't inhale smoke. He then seen another store that wasn't completely in flames. He ran inside and seen barcode laying in the ground barely conscious. He ran to him and covered his mouth with his jacket.( Jeff's jacket ). He wrapped barcode's arm around his shoulder and walked out of the store. He couldn't get to the main doors so he had to use the emergency exit door. He finally made it outside. He picked barcode up bridle style and ran towards the ambulance. ( They already had ambulance and firetrucks there). The paramedics was checking barcode out and making sure he was ok. Jeff was holding his hand.

Paramedic: he should be alright , he inhaled some smoke but he should be back to normal soon.

Jeff: than you so much. The paramedic walked away and Jeff turned back to barcode. Barcode was awake and sitting up. Jeff pullsd barcode into a hug.

Jeff: I'm so glad your ok. Jeff pulls away and kisses barcodes forehead.

Barcode: are you ok phi Jeff?

Jeff: I'm fine , don't sorry about me.

Jeff: let's go home now.

Barcode: ok , let's go.  Barcode hopps off of the ambulance and Jeff held his hand and walked to the car.


At their house...

Barcode was sitting on the couch and Jeff was making some ramen for them. Jeff brought the ramen it and set it down on the coffee table. He then sit down beside barcode.

Jeff: what movie should we watch?

Barcode: hmm , how about the nun.

Jeff: alright , the nun it is.

Barcode smiles and Jeff turned on the movie. Jeff was so happy to see barcode smiling. He can't believe he almost lost him today , he couldn't live without barcode , I loved him too much to loose him.

A scary part of the movie came on and Jeff jumped in fear and hid his face behind barcode. Barcode laughed.

Barcode: phi Jeff it's not that scary. He says laughing. Jeff slowly peeked back up at the TV and made sure that part was over.

Jeff: I-i wasn't scared. Barcode laughed more.

Jeff: I wasn't scared. I was just getting a pillow.

Barcode: it's ok if you were scared. Your still tough and cool to me. Barcode says smiling Jeff smiles and hides his face in barcodes chest. Barcode smiles and snuggles up to Jeff.

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