kinnporsche , Porsche has cancer ♋

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MaithiliParanjape I hope you like it 😊

Porsche hasn't been feeling good all day. He's been having a lot of headaches lately. Today he had a really bad headache. He was in the room sitting on the bed , kinn came in and sat next to him.

Kinn: Porsche , are you alright? You don't look too good , your really pale.

Porsche: yes , just a headache.

Kinn: you've been having a lot of headaches lately. Maybe we should go to a doctor and get your checked out.

Kinn stands up and Porsche takes his hand and stands up.

Porsche: I don't want to go to the hospital. I'll be fine , it's just a stupid headache.

Porsche starts to get really dizzy. He holds on to kinn , before kinn could ask what's wrong , Porsche callpases into kinn's arms.

Kinn: ai Porsche! Porsche! Shit. Just hold on Porsche.

Kinn carries Porsche bridle style and rushes him to the hospital. Chay hears what happens and also rushes to the hospital. Porsche is back in a room and chay and kinn are waiting in the waiting room for the doctor to come.

Chay: why aren't they coming yet?! Chay says worried.

Kinn: chay , please try to calm down. I'm sure they'll come soon.

Chay: how can I calm do-the doctor walks up to them. They both stand up.

Doctor: I'm really sorry but it's not good news. Porsche has got a brain tumor , the only way to remove it is if we do the operation.

Chay: what.

Kinn: how soon can you do it?

Doctor: we could do it today but it's very expensive.

Kinn: I don't care about the money , I can pay it.

Chay: do the operation , as long as Porsche is going to be ok. Chay says with tears in his eyes.

The doctor nods and walks away. Chay burst into tears. Kinn hugs him.

Chay: h-he has to be ok. Chay says crying. Kinn is holding back tears , he's trying be strong for porchay.

Kinn: he's going to be ok , Porsche is strong. It's ok.

Chay pulls away from the hug and wipes his tears away.

Chay: what if they mess the operation up.

Kinn: Porchay , their doctors , they no what they doing trust me. Chay nods and they both sit down.

3 hours later...

Chay has his head against the wall sleeping. Kinn is sitting next to him worrying about Porsche. About 15 minutes later the doctor came out. Kinn woke chay up.

Doctor: the operation was successful. Porsche is going to be ok. He's currently sleeping right now. He's in room 12 if you want to see him. The doctor smiles and walks away.

Chay and kinn go back to Porsche room. Chay sits beside him and holds his hand. Kinn sits in the other chay beside Porsche.

1 hour later...

Chay is getting scared because Porsche isn't waking up.

Chay: why isn't he waking up?

Kinn: I'm sure he will soon.

Chay:, it's been an hour! Please ask a doctor , he's not waking up. Chay says freaking out.

Kinn: ok , I'll go ask , stay here with him. Just calm down.

Chay: don't tell me to calm down.

Kinn walks out of the room and goes to find a doctor. Kinn walks up to a doctor.

Kinn: excuse me m'am , I was just wondering why Porsche isn't waking up.

Doctor: he might sleep for a little while because he just had a big operation.

Kinn: thank you so much.

The doctor bows and kinn goes back into the bedroom.

Chay: well?

Kinn: she said , he might sleep for a while because of the operation.

Chay: ok.

Kinn: chay , he's gonna be ok , just cal-kinn gets cut off.

Chay: do not , tell me , to calm down.

Kinn puts his hands in the air and sits down.

2 hours later...

Porsche startes to wake up. He sits up and sees porchay and kinn by his side. Chay hugs him tightly. Kinn smiles and kisses his forehead.

Kinn: Porsche , how do you feel?

Porsche: fine , just a little tired.

Chay: you slept for 3+ hours.

Chay: are you ok? Does your head hurt? Are you thirsty? Are you hungry or are you cold or hot?

Porsche and Kinn laugh.

Chay: what?

Porsche: you. Come here. Porsche hugs chay again.

Porsche: chay , I'm ok I promise.

Chay smiles and sits down.

Porsche:, but , I can go for some food right now.

Kinn: the doctors said you need to rest fruits , vegetables , and healthy things for the next few weeks

Porsche: so no McDonald's? ):

Kinn: I'm sorry. But I'll eat healthy with you.

Porsche:, I love you.

Kinn: I love you too. Kinn says kissing Porsches lips.

Chay: *cough * cough I'm right here.

Kinn and kiesche laugh. They pull chay into a hug and all three of them hug. The next few weeks kinn takes really good care of Porsche , he eats healthy with him and they take walks every morning around the house together.

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