mewgulf , after a emotional scene mew faints

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LunaMoon741 I hope you like it 😊

Mew and Gulf are filming the break up scene today for their series tharntype

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Mew and Gulf are filming the break up scene today for their series tharntype. Mew hated break up scenes , he has had bad break up's in the past. Mew talked to Gulf about his past relationships before. Mew out his jacket on and headed out. He started up the car and drove away. When he pulled up to gulfs house , Gulf was already outside waiting. When Gulf seen mew pull up , he got up and got inside the car and mew drove off. Gulf could tell mew was nervous for the scene today. He looks at mew and takes his hand.

Gulf: don't worry , it'll be ok , just Remember it's just a scene.

Mew nods and smiles at Gulf. Gulf smiles back and mew continues focusing on the road. They arrive at the filming studio , mew parks and they walk in. The director is talking to one of their co-stars about a scene. Mew and Gulf go and practice some of their lines. About 10 minutes later the director walks up to them.

Director: mew , Gulf , go and get ready for the scene.

Gulf: wait i thought we was filming that later.

Director: change of plans now. The director says walking away.

Mew sighs and goes to the changing room with Gulf to get into their outfit for the scene. Mew is putting his shirt on.

Gulf: it's gonna be ok , just keep remembering it's just a scene.

Mew: I know , I know.

Gulf: you ready?

Mew: yea , let's get this scene over with.

Gulf nods and takes mews hand and walks out of the changing room. They go to the scene area and wait for the director to say action. a few minutes later the director comes over ready.

Director: and action!

The scene...

Type: tharn , I can't do this anymore.

Tharn: type please, please , I promise you he tricked me. Tharn says crying.

Type: I know , ok that's the problem. You ex's keep coming. How many more of your ex's are going to come and try and split us up , I hate the feeling of jealousy. Tharn I'm sorry. Type let's go of tharn's hand and leaves. Tharn falls to the ground crying.

Director: cut!

Mew is still in character crying. Gulf helps him to and hugs him. The staff and everyone leaves them alone.

Gulf: mew , mew it's ok. I'm right here.

Mew: please don't go.

Gulf: I'm not going anywhere , I'm right here.

Mew can't stop crying , he started getting dizzy.

Gulf: shh , it's ok. I'm right here.

Mew collapses into gulfs arms.

Gulf: mew! Mew!

10 minutes later...

Mew woke up and found himself laying on gulfs lap.

Gulf: mew , are you ok? Gulf says in a worried voice.

Mew sits up and looks at Gulf.

Mew: I'm ok , I just got dizzy.

Gulf: do you still feel dizzy?

Mew: no , I'm ok now.

Gulf: you had me so worried.

Mew: I'm sorry I made you worried. I just got into character a little too much.

Gulf: at least the scene is over with now.

Mew: yea , I'm glad it's over with now.

Gulf: rest for now , the director said you can take a little break.

Mew nods and gulfs lays mew's head on his lap. Gulf strokes his hair , mew falls asleep and Gulf watches over him while he sleeps.

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