zeenunew , nunew gets sick from playing in the rain

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PotterBlack25 I hope you like it 😊

PotterBlack25 I hope you like it 😊

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nunew and zee had just confirmed their relationship in a interview. It's trending all over Twitter. They've been dating for a while now , they just wanted to keep it a secret for a little while. All of their fans and family supported their relationship. Nunew has been staying at zee's house for the last couple of days. He's staying again tonight.

Zee is in the kitchen making some popcorn for him and nunew. Their going to watch a movie. Nunew is outside just looking at the stars. It starts raining hard. Nunew smiles and goes off if the Porch and goes into the rain. Zee comes out to tell him the popcorn is ready. He see's nunew running around in the rain. He smiles at how adorable he is.

Zee: nhu , the popcorn is ready!

Nunew: hia , come in the rain with me!

Zee: I don't wet , come in! You might get sick!

Nunew comes up on the porch and takes zee's hand.

Nunew: come play , it's fun.

Zee: nhu , let's go inside and watch the movie , we can play later.

Nunew: ok fine , let's go.

Zee smiles and pecks nunew on the lips. Nunew blushes and runs inside dragging zees hand along with him. Nunew changes into a clean pair of pajamas and sits down on the couch with zee. Zee turns on the movie , they share the popcorn while watching the movie. Half way through the movie nunew falls asleep on zee's shoulder. Zee covers him up and turns off the movie and falls asleep next to him.

12:30 am...

Zee wakes up to hearing faint cries. He looks over and sees nunew shivering and not looking well.

Zee: nhu what's wrong?

Nunew: hia , I don't feel good.

Zee feels nunews head and realizes he's burning up.

Zee: you have a high fever. I'll go get you some medicine real quick.

Zee walks over to the kitchen and gets some medicine out of the cabinet , he then gets a glass of water , he then walks back over to the couch and hands the medicine to nunew. Nunew takes a drink of the water and then swallows the medicine. Zee covers nunew up with an extra blanket and sits beside him.

Zee: I told you not to play in the rain , now your sick.

Nunew: I know hia , I'm sorry.

Zee: it's ok come here. Zee says laying nunews head on his chest and wrapping his arms around him. He kisses nunews head.

Zee: you'll fell better soon don't worry.

Nunew: I love you hia.

Zee: I love you too nhu. Zee says touching the tip of his nose. Nunew smiles and snuggles closer to him.

Nunew:* sneezes* cough * cough *.

Zee strokes his hair and rubs his back.

Zee: are you ok?

Nunew: yea. Nunew says sniffing his nose.

Zee: get some rest.

Nunew nods and closes his eyes , he falls asleep on zees chest. Zee kisses his head and then falls back asleep with him.

 Zee kisses his head and then falls back asleep with him

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