🌻mewgulf , gulf has a migraine.🌻

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NasrinMondal6 I hope you like it.🐻😊

Mew and Gulf played in a bl series

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Mew and Gulf played in a bl series. They got close really fast. They started dating irl. All of the fans supported them and their co-stars.

They lived in a small apartment together. They have a couple of interviews today.

8:30 am.

Gulf woke up with a major headache. He held his head in pain. Mew was already in the shower. Gulf took some Advil to try and get rid of his headache.

Mew then wakes out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. he walked up to Gulf and kisses him on the forehead.

Mew: good morning babe. Mew says smiling.

Gulf: morning babe.

Mew: are you ok? You don't look so good.

Gulf: I'm fine , I just have a headache that's all.

Mew: maybe we should just cancel the interview then.

Gulf: no , I'll be fine I took some Advil.

Mew: are you sure?

Gulf nods and gives a small smile. Mew nods. He's still worried about Gulf though. Gulf gets a quick shower and gets dressed. They then head out and start driving to the interview/event place.

They soon arrive at the interview/event. They walk in. Thousands of fans scream. Gulf winces in pain as they scream. The screaming doesn't help his headache at all.

Mew wraps his arm around gulfs waist and walks back stage with him. Gulf sits down and waits to go on stage. Mew brings him a cup of water.

Gulf: thank you.

Mew smiles and sits down beside him. Gulf sips his water. A few minutes later they are called onto the stage. They walk on and all the fans scream and hold sighs up.

Mew and Gulf wave and smile. Gulf tries his best to hide the pain so the fans don't worry about him.

Gulf is talking to some fans.

Fan: I love you so guys so much! I'm so happy to finally meet you guys! The fan says exited.

Gulf: I'm happy we got to meet you to. Gulf says hugging the fan.

Mew then walks over and puts his arm around gulfs waist.

The fan gets a picture with them and walks away exited.

Mew back hugs Gulf and kisses his head.

Mew: do you still have a headache? Mew says still back hugging Gulf.

Gulf: just a little.

Mew: would you like to go to dinner after this then?

Gulf: you already no the answer to that. Gulf says smiling.

Mew laughs a little and smiles.

Mew: where do you wanna eat?

Gulf: hmm I don't know you pick this time.

Mew: alright , how about we go to in and out.

Gulf: sounds good.

After the event they went to in and out. They order their food and ate. They started driving home. They was both exhausted. They walked into their apartment.

They got into their pajamas. They both laid down in their bed. ( Btw they share a big bed). Mew rapped his arms around Gulf and Gulf was faced the other way.

 Mew rapped his arms around Gulf and Gulf was faced the other way

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They both fell asleep.

3:35 am.

Gulf woke up with another terrible headache. He got up and held his head in pain. He felt nauseous from the bad headache.

A wave of nausea hit his stomach. He quickly ran to the bathroom and got on his knees and bent over the toilet. He vomited his dinner up.

Mew woke up and didn't see Gulf beside him. He got up to go look for him. He walked out of the bedroom. He looked in the kitchen and don't see him. He walked into the bathroom and saw Gulf holding his stomachs bend over the toilet.

He quickly ran to him and rubbed his back. Gulf spit up some mucus. Mew got Gulf some water. Gulf sipped it slowly. He then set the cup down.

Mew: are you ok babe?

Gulf nods his head and lays it on the edge of the toilet.

Mew the gave him a little back rub.

Mew: I'll be right back , I'm gonna go get you some medicine.

Gulf just gives him a small nod. Mew was really worried about Gulf. Mew quickly went into their bedroom and got some medicine 💊. He walked back into the bathroom and gave the medicine to Gulf. Gulf took a sip of water and put the pill into his mouth and swallowed it.

Gulf then lays down and puts his head on mews lap. Mew strokes his hair. Gulf falls asleep on mews lap. Mew puts his head back on the wall and falls asleep.

 Mew puts his head back on the wall and falls asleep

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