phayurain , rain gets beaten up

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kittyarora5 I hope you like it 😊

Phayu and rain have been dating for a couple of months now

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Phayu and rain have been dating for a couple of months now. A lot of people's jealous of rain because he's dating phayu and everybody wants phayu to their self. Rain tries his best  to ignore the hate.

Rain was getting dressed into his uni outside as normal. His phone started ringing a bunch of times. He wondered what all the notifications was. He opened his phone and saw all the notifications was from Twitter. He opened Twitter and saw a lot of comments on a photo of him and phayu , rain has a big red x going across his face.

Userflower15: seriously what does phayu see in him , all I see is a desperate guy wanting attention.

User12: he's like a puppy following him around everywhere , phayu deserves a real lover.

User12lucky: they should just kick him out of this university already.

Rain closed his phone and sighed. He got used to getting hated on but he didn't think people could be this cruel. He grabbed his bag and headed out. As he was walking through the alley a car pulled up with 6 guys in it from his uni.

Carl: hey rain! Where ya going huh!? He says in a snarky tone.

Rain just ignores them and continues walking. They hit the breaks making the tries sequel. They throw rocks at them and take off. Rain sighs and just continues walking. When he gets to uni sky walks up to him.

Sky: hey rain.

Rain:, hi sky.

Sky:, what's wrong? You seem kinda down.

Rain: it's nothing don't worry , I'm just kinda tired that's all.

Sky: alright , well I better get to class now.

Rain nods and sky walks to his class. Rain's class starts in 10 minutes so he goes to get a soda out of the side machine.

He presses the button and his soda fell down into the whole. Rain reached in and grabbed it. As he was drinking it the same guys came up behind him and smacked his head.

Carl: what you gonna do something about it. That's what I thought , your just as weak as your pathetic friend sky.

Rain didn't care when he got called names or bullied but when it comes to his best friend he's gonna fight back.

Rain: your the pathetic one!

Carl: what did your just say.

Rain: I said your the pathetic one! What are you deaf!

Carl then got closer to rain with his fist clenched. He punches rain in the nose. Rains nose started bleeding.

Carl: shut the hell up! Carl pinned rain to the wall.

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