Biblebuild , build is feeling sick and faints

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FemaleBadass234 I hope you like it 😊

FemaleBadass234 I hope you like it 😊

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1:30 am...

Build wakes up feeling sick to his stomach. He has a headache and doesn't feel good at all. He rubs his stomach to try and settle it. It doesn't help. He gets even more nauseous. He quickly runs to the bathroom , he bends over the toilet throwing up. He throws up at least 5 more times. All he's throwing up is bile now.  He flushes the toilet ,and wipes his mouth and goes to the sink. He puts his mouth under the water faucet and drinks some water. He goes back to bed and lays down.

6:30 am...

Build wakes up still not feeling good. Their filming the final episode of kinnporsche today. He manages to get up and shower. He changes and grabs his phone. He doesn't want to burden anyone so he doesn't tell anyone he's sick.

At the filming studio...

Apo , mile , Jeff and barcode are talking , build is sitting on the couch beside Bible. Bible seems worried about build. He looks pale and doesn't look too good.

Bible: biu , are you ok?

Build: yes why?

Bible: you don't look too good , you look paler than usual. Are you sure your ok?

Build: I'm ok , don't worry.

Bible nods , but he's still very worried about build. He knows when build doesn't feel good. And plus builds being quieter than usual. P'pond then comes up.

P'pond: alright everyone , get ready for the first scene.

It's apo's and miles scene first. Bible and builds scene is next. After mile and apo does their scene , Bible and build go and get ready for their scene. They go to their scene area.

P'pond: action!

The scene...

Porsche has just found out his mom's alive. Korn , kan is laying on the floor dead. Kinn is standing beside Korn. Vegas has the gun up to Korn for shooting his dad. Pete comes running in with his gun up.

Pete: Vegas , don't.

Korn: from now on , I'll be taking care of you and Macau.

Vegas then runs out of the room. Pete takes his main family pin off.

Pete: master Korn , I'm sorry. But I can't betray my feelings anymore. I'm resigning.

Pete bows and then runs after Vegas.

P'pond: cut! That was good , we'll do the next scene in about 15 minutes.

Everyone starts getting ready for the next scene. Build starts feeling sick to his stomach again. He quickly goes into the bathroom , he bends over the toilet and vomits.

Build: *cough * cough. He spits musas up.

He flushes the toilet and leans against the wall.  His head hurts so bad , he's dizzy and everything's aching.

P'pond: alright , 5 more minutes!

Build gets up and wipes his mouth. He leaves the bathroom and gets ready for the scene. They all get in place for the scene.

P'pond: action!

The scene...

Vegas runs outside into the backyard. He's holding the gun up to his chin. Pete comes running out.

Pete: Vegas!

Vegas: AAHH! Vegas screams and takes it off of his chin. Pete hugs him from back.

Vegas: Pete , Pete leave me alone. Vegas says crying.

Vegas: what do you want from me.

Pete: Vegas , I'm hungry. ( You guys would have to watch kinnporsche to understand when he says he's "hungry").

Pete: Vegas turn around , please.

Vegas: Pete , I've got nothing left.

Pete: you have me Vegas. You have me.

Vegas then turns around. He looks at Pete and Pete gives him a small smile. Build then starts feeling really dizzy. The guy doesn't get to shoot Vegas because build collapses onto the ground.

P'pond: cut! Build! Build what happened?!

Bible rushes over to build.

Bible: build! Build , build please wake up!

P'pond: someone get water!

Bible feels builds head and he's burning up.

Bible: he's burning up.

Bible holds build in his arms. Tong then gives Bible a bottle of water. Bible puts the cold bottle up builds head. build still didn't wake up. Bible carries build to the couch and lays him down. Bible is sitting in the couch with builds head on his lap. Their all worried about build. Bible is keeping something cold on builds head.

15 minutes later...

Build starts waking up. He looks up and sees Bible looking worried as hell. Bible helps him set up.

Bible: build , your burning up. Why didn't you say anything?

Build: I just didn't want to burden anyone. And I know everyone was already stressed about the final episode.

Bible: biu , your not a burden to anyone. The only thing that is important is your health. You should have told me.

Build: I'm sorry. *Cough *cough.

Bible: are you ok? Bible says rubbing builds back. Build gives Bible a small nod.

Bible: get some rest. Here kay your head on my lap.

Builds lays his head on Bibles lap and Bible strokes builds hair untill he falls asleep.

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