kinnporsche , the family gets poisoned , Porsche gets more poisoned more

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MaithiliParanjape I hope you like it 😊

Vegas , Pete , Macau , Porsche , kinn , Khun , Kim , and chay are having a family dinner tonight.

Kim and chays house...

Chay: p'kim can I wear one of your sweatshirts?

Kim: of course you can. Kim gets one of his sweatshirts out of the closet and hands it to chay , chay puts it on and smiles.

Chay: thank you p'kim.

Kim: your welcome , we should hurry it we'll be late.

Chay: alright , let's go then.

Vegas and Pete's house...

Pete: Vegas hurry up or we'll be late!

Vegas: ok just hold on!

Vegas finally comes out of the bathroom ready.

Pete: well it's about time.

Vegas: whatever let's just go since we're gonna be "late".

Pete: hey! You watch your attitude towards me!

Vegas: I'm sorry honey.

Pete: I'll forgive you if you but me curry tonight.

Vegas: *sigh* fine.

Pete: ok let's go now.


Main family's house...

Khun: oii!! Kinn!!!! Where's my pink boots!!!! Khun says from upstairs.

Kinn: I don't know! Check the laundry room!

Khun: ooiii fine!

Porsche: kinn.

Kinn: yes sweety?

Porsche: did you wash my favorite blanket?

Kinn: chi , it's in the washer right now. ( Chi means yes ). Porsche smiles and kisses kinn's cheek. Kinn smiles back and grabs Porsche by the waist and pulls him closer. He kisses Porsche on the lips , Porsche kisses him back.

Khun: oii get a room you two!

Kinn: did you find your boots Khun?

Khun: no! I'm going to get new ones.

Kinn: what about dinner?

Khun: I'll be back soon , just don't eat all the cheese cake and we won't have a problem.

Khun opens the front door and Vegas , Pete , and Macau are standing there sitting ready to come on.

Khun: aiii Pete! My sweet sweet Pete! I miss you so much! I'm about to kidnapped you back. Khun hugs Pete and walks out the door.

Vegas: thank God he's leaving.

Khun: hey I heard that!

Vegas: good!

Khun: I hope a dog eats you!

Vegas rolls his eyes and walks in the house with Pete.

Porsche: Pete!

Pete: Porsche! They both run up smiling and hugging each other.

Porsche: I missed you Pete!

Pete: I missed you to Porsche!

Just then chay and Kim walk in. Kim has his arm around chays waist.

Chay: p'porsche! Chay runs up to Porsche and hugs him.

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