jeffbarcode , barcode has a high fever and gets seizure 😷

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
9:25 am...

Jeff woke up and seen barcode still asleep on his chest. He smiles at him and thinks how did he get so lucky. Jeff and barcode have been dating for a year now. Jeff kisses his forehead. Jeff then feels barcodes forehead because he felt warm when he kissed his forehead. When he felt barcodes forehead , He got a little worried because he was warm. Jeff grabbed his phone and called p'pond to tell him they can't come to the interview today.

P'pond: hello , Jeff , are you guys in your way?

Jeff: no uh actually , I was calling to see if you could reschedule the interview , barcode has a fever.

P'pond: ah alright , I understand , I'll reschedule it for some time next week. Tell barcode I said I hope he feels better.

Jeff: krub , I will , bye p'pond.

Jeff then set his phone back down. Barcode started waking up. Barcode looked up at Jeff.

Jeff: hey baby. Jeff says in a soft and gentle tone. He placed a gentle kiss on the tip of barcodes nose.

Jeff: did I wake you up?

Barcode: no. Barcode says in a raspy voice.

Barcode: *cough *cough*

Barcode: what time is it?

Jeff: it's 9:45.

Barcode: don't we have to start getting ready for the interview. *Cough *cough.

Jeff: I called p'pond to reschedule it , your running a fever.

Barcode: but won't he but upset?

Jeff: no , he wasn't upset , now lay down and get some rest. I'm gonna go get you some medicine. I'll be right back.

Jeff then leaves the room and goes down stairs. About 10 minutes later he comes back into the bedroom with ramen , medicine and some water. He sits it on the night stand next to barcode. Barcode sits up and takes the medicine.

Jeff: I made some ramen. You need to eat something.

Barcode: I don't want anything to eat.

Jeff: you need to eat something or you'll have no energy. Just a little bit please. Jeff scoops some ramen in the spoon and brings it up to barcode. Barcode sighs and takes the bite.  Jeff feeds him a few more bites. He goes to feed him another but barcode shakes his head no and pushes the spoon away.

Barcode: no more.

Jeff: alright , lay down and get some rest na. Jeff Patts barcodes head and kisses his forehead. He smiles and takes the bowl and leaves to put it in the sink. Barcode lays down and falls back asleep. Jeff comes back up and sits in the bed next to barcode and lays barcodes head on his chest.

A little while later...

Barcode is still sleeping on Jeff's chest and Jeff is just scrolling through Instagram. Barcode started to wake up. He was shivering and everything was aching.

Jeff: are you cold?

Barcode: mhm. Barcode says in a raspy and a shivering voice.

Jeff covers him up with some more blanket and feels his head. He's surpirsed because the fever didn't go down. Jeff gets up and places barcodes head on the pillow. He hands barcode one of his sweatshirts to wear and barcode puts it on. ( Jeff's sweatshirt). Jeff then gets a thermometer and puts it in barcodes mouth. A few minutes later the thermometer beeps and Jeff takes it out of his mouth. He's more worried because his temperature went up. He sets the thermometer down and kisses barcodes head. Barcode slowly gets up and holds his stomach.

Jeff: barcode what's wrong?

Barcode: my stomach is upset.

Jeff goes and gets a trash can and sits it beside the bed just in case.

Jeff: try to lay down , maybe it'll settle down.

Barcode nods and lays down. Jeff is really worried about barcode. He's got a really high fever and the medicine isn't helping. Jeff sits back beside barcode and strokes his hair. Not even a few minutes later barcode quickly sits up and hovers over the trash can and vomits. Jeff goes by his side and rubs his back.

Barcode: *cough *cough.

Jeff: does your stomach still feel upset now that you threw up?

Barcode: j-j-just a-a l-little. Barcode says in a shaky voice. Barcode wipes his mouth off. Jeff gets a cold wash rag and comes back to the bedroom with it. He lays barcode down and put the wash rag on his forehead and covers him back up. He then takes the garbage bag from the trash can , and throw it away and puts a new one in it. He then lays back beside barcode and holds him while he sleeps.

An hour later...

It's 1:30 am. Jeff is still holding barcode in his arms while barcode sleeps. Jeff is still up keeping an eye on him. Barcode starts to shake and kick his feet. Jeff quickly gets up and tries shaking barcode awake.

Jeff: barcode! What's happening! Barcode! Jeff  then realizes he's having a seizure. He runs and gets a new wet wash rag and strokes barcodes fave with it trying to get him to come out of it. He holds his head in his arms so he won't hurt his neck. He then starts dialing 911. Jeff shakely types the number in. He's so scared and worried at this moment he can't even think straight.

Operater: hello , this is 911 , what's your emergency.

Jeff: uh my boyfriend , he's having a seizure and has a really high fever. Jeff says in a worry and panic tone.

Operater: ok sir , I need to try and calm down , we're sending a ambulance right now. Try and out something cold on him , it should help him come out of it.

Jeff: I do have something cold on him.

Operater: ok , keep doing that and the ambulance should arrive soon.

The operator then hangs up.

Jeff: are you serious , idiots!

Jeff: barcode baby , any I'm right here.

About 5 minutes later Barcode starts to Cole out of it. His legs quit kicking but he's still kinda out of it. He's not in a seizure anymore. Jeff is still holding barcode in his arms and holding his head.

Jeff: barcode , barcode can you hear me?

Barcode nods his head but still has his eyes closed. The ambulance then come. Jeff carries barcode to the ambulance and put him in the back of it. Jeff rides in the back with him.

At the hospital...

Barcode I'm sleeping in a hospital room. He's got an IV in , with antibiotics pumping into him. Jeff is sitting beside him holding his hand. The doctor said he had the seizure because of the high fever. Barcode is just resting now.

An hour later...

Barcode starts to wake up. He turns his head and sees Jeff sitting beside him.

Jeff: barcode , how do you feel? Any better?

Barcode: yeah , a little. Barcode sister up. Jeff feels his head and his relieved that his fever went down. Jeff smiles and kisses his head.

Jeff: are you sleepy?

Barcode: yeah.

Jeff: the medicines going to make you drowsy. Get some more rest na.

Barcode: your going to stay with me right?

Jeff: of course I am , I'm not going anywhere I promise. Jeff says smiling softy.

Barcode: ok.

Barcode lays back down and falls back asleep. Jeff gently kisses the tip of his nose and sits back down and watches him sleep.

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