phayurain , rain is sick and faints twice 😵

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Drama_Queen1234 I hope you like it 😊

Drama_Queen1234 I hope you like it 😊

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It's 6:45 am. Phayu woke up and seen rain sleeping. He kissed his forehead and strokes his hair. He noticed rain felt warm. Rain then started waking up , he seen phayu and phayu smiles at him and kisses him.

Phayu: good morning.

Rain: good mornin-cough* cough *

Phayu: you should stay home today , you have a fever.

Rain: I'll be fine.

Phayu: rain , you should really stay home and get some rest.

Rain: p'phayu , I'll be alright , I promise.

Phayu knows how stubborn rain is so he nods and kisses rain again.

Phayu: I'll see you when you get home.

Rain nods and gives him a small smile. He gets up and gets changed and then heads out. Rains while body is aching, his head hurts , his throat hurts and he's freezing. he walks into uni and goes to his first class , he sits down and lays his head down. He closes his eyes and ends up falling asleep.

Time skip...

Sky , rain , ple , som , and sig have a meeting. ( At the uni ). They all go until the meeting room and talk about their projects and stuff like that. Sky notices rain looking really pale and shivering.

Sky: rain , are you ok?

Rain: y-y-yeah. Rain says In a shaky voice from shivering. Sky walks over and feels his head.

Sky: rain , your burning up.

Rain starts getting really dizzy.

Sky: should I call p'phayu. Sky says slightly whispering so no one can hear. Only sky knows that rain and phayu are dating. Before rain could say anything , rain callpases on to the floor. They all get really worried and rush over to rain.

Sky: rain! Rain , rain can you hear me? 

Rain started to wake up. He slowly begins opening his eyes.

Sky: rain are you ok?!

Rain: i-im fine.

Ple: I think rain should go home and rest.

Sky pulls out his phone and calls phayu. He goes away from them so they won't hear him talking to phayu.

Phayu: sky , what is it?

Sky: it's rain , he fainted and he's got a really high fever.

Phayu: I'm on my way!

Sky walked back over to rain and helped him sit down in a chair.

Sig: who's coming to get him?

Sky: uh , his lover.

Ple: rain , we didn't know you was dating someone.

Som: yea , who are they?

Sky: no more questions , let's just wait.

They all nod and talk and wait. Sky turns the heat on for rain because rain is freezing cold. about 10 minutes later phayu walks into the meeting room. He goes straight to rain. He bends down on his knee and holds rains hand. He then feels rains head. He takes his jacket off and wraps it around rain.

Ple: p-p'phayu , what are you doing here?

Phayu: I'm here to pick rain up.

Phayu helps rain up off of the chair , he holds rains arm , rain is still dizzy so he lays his head on phayu's shoulder.

Som: wait , rain , is he your lover?

Rain slowly nods his head.

Som/ple: what!

Ple: you knew we liked him rain!

Som: yeah! How could you!

Sky: guys stop it , leave him alone! He's sick and you guys are yelling at him.

Ple: well he knew we liked him! Rain , we can't believe you right now!

Som: yeah , your a bad friend!

All rain could hear us yelling. He was so dizzy though that he could barely hear anything , the voices started fading away and everything begin going blurry. He callpases into phayu's arms.

Phayu: rain! What is wrong with you two! You guys are the ones who are bad friends!

Sky and phayu quickly wraps rains arms around their shoulders. They rush him to the hospital.

At the hospital...

Sky and prapai are in the waiting room. Prapai came when he heard what happened. Phayu was back in eajjs room holding his hand.

Sky was laying his head in prapai's shoulder and prapai was stroking his hair.

Rains room...

Rain had an IV in and the doctor gave him antibiotics and fluids. Rain started to wake up. He looked up and saw phayu. Phayu got up and helped him slowly sit up. Once rain sit up , phayu felt rains head and was relieved.

Phayu: your fever went down. Do you feel any better?

Rain: yeah , my head and throat still hurts though.

Phayu: you'll feel better soon , I promise. Payu kisses his forehead and sits back down still holding his hand.

Rain : p'phayu , do you think I'm a bad friend to ple and som?

Phayu: rain , you did nothing wrong , you can't help falling in love. Especially with someone handsome. Rain laughed s little when payu said that. Phayu is happy to see raijs smile.

Phayu: rain listen to me , your not a bad friend , their the ones who are bad friends if they can't be happy for you.

Rain: thanks p'phayu. Rain kisses phayu on the lips and smiles at him , payu smiles back.

Phayu: get some rest na. Payu says ruffling Rains hair. Rain nods and lays down and falls asleep. How did I get so lucky phayu thought to himself.

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