kinnporsche , Porsche has appendicitis

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MaithiliParanjape I hope you like it😊

3 months after everything happened with the minor and main family everything started to settle down.

Kinn , Porsche and chay are living at the ma I'min family's house. Vegas , Pete and macu are living at their own little house. Khun is living at the main family's house. Kim is living at his own house.

Kinn and Porsche was spending the day together. Porsche got them a dinner reservation at a restaurant. Kinn was in the shower while Porsche was getting dressed. Porsche was putting on his tie when he got a sharp pain in his rish side.

He held his side. He thought it was just a pain that would pass by. He finally got his tie on. Kinn came out of the shower and walked up to Porsche and backed hugged him. He kissed his neck.

Both kinn and Porsche smiled. Kinn then started getting into his suit. After he was done putting on his suit him and Porsche started walking out to the car. Khun walked up the them with a irritated expression.

Khun: kinn! Where the heck is pol! He's supposed to be watching my series with me!

Kinn: Khun I don't know where he is , you find him yourself , me and Porsche has dinner plans.

Khun gasps dramatically. Kinn shakes his head and gets into the car with Porsche and they drive off.

Khun: so rude! Arm find pol right now!

Arm nods and goes to find pol.

Kinn and Porsche is almost at the restaurant. Porsche gets another sharp pain in his side. He ignores the pain hoping it would go away soon.

They soon arrive at the restaurant and they walk in. They sits down at their table and start looking at the menu. Porsche doesn't really have a appetite for anything but he doesn't want to ruin the dinner so he orders something anyways.

Kinn ordered steak and Porsche also orders a steak. About 10 minutes later their food comes. Kinn notices Porsche looking pale.

Kinn: Porsche , why do you look so pale, what's wrong?

Porsche: nothing , I feel fine. Porsche says sipping his soda.

Kinn doesn't believe him at all. He can tell when Porsche is lying to him. Kinn just nods and takes a bite of his food. After they finish their dinner they get back into the car and start driving back home.

They get back home and head back into their bedroom. Porsche's stomach is aching. He thinks it's just from the food he had. They get into their pajamas and head to bed.

Kinn falls asleep first. Porsche is trying to get to sleep but his stomach won't stop hurting. He also felt really nauseous. A wave of nausea hit his stomach and he quickly ran to the bathroom. He bent over the toilet and vomited. Kinn woke up and seen Porsche running to the bathroom.

Kinn quickly got up and put his slippers on and went into the bathroom. He rushed over to Porsche and rubbed his back.

Kinn: do you want some water?

Porsche nods his head and kinn goes over by the sink and gets some water for Porsche. Porsche slowly sips it. Porsche gets another sharp pain. He holds his side in pain.

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