phayurain , gun escaped prison and kidnapped sky but they take rain instead ⛓️🔐

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PotterBlack25 I hope you like it 😊

Sky has been really scared lately because gun escaped prison

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Sky has been really scared lately because gun escaped prison. No one knows where he is hiding at. Prapai hasn't left sky's side , he's been staying over at sky's dorm every night.

It was 10:40 pm , rain is walking to phayu's house from uni. He Stayed at university a little late because he has to get a project done. Phayu knows rain is on his way. Rain is walking in a dark alley. He kept getting a feeling someone's following him but he just shrugged it off thinking it was his imagination. He continued walking. He then heard footsteps behind him. He looked behind him and seen 2 guys standing with knifes in their hands. He quickly started running the other way , but they cut him off and are now standing infront of him. He goes to fun again but they yank his hair and shove him on the ground. They knock him out and carry him away.

20 minutes later...

Rain wakes up and hears voices talking. He opens his eyes and sees gun and the other two guys. Rain was tied to a chair.

Gun: your got the wrong fucking one!

Guy: we didn't know we're sorry.

Gun: it's fine , we can have some fun with this one to-ah good your awake.

Rain: let me go you assholes!!

Gun: aww is someone cranky. Gun says holding rains chin up and laughing. rain spit it in his face.

Gun: you fucking bitch! Gun slapped rain in the face.


Phayu was at the house freaking out. He couldn't find rain anywhere. He tried calling him at least 50 times. He then tracked rains location and saw he was at some abandon building/place. He knew something wasn't right. He got on his motorbike and drove off.


Gun started sliding his hand up rains thigh. Ran had tears in his eyes. He hates guns fucking guys , he just wanted to punch him for what he did to sky and firvwhat he's doing now. Gun then out his hand on rains member and his smile got wider. Gun then started unbuttoning rains shirt. He went to undo his pants but top and mark got knocked out. Gun then seen phayu , phayu was furious , he had steam rolling off of him. ( Not really , it's just a saying lol 😂). Phayu charged at gun , he punched him off of rain and on to the ground. He punched him untill he was knocked completely out and covered in blood. Phayu then went over to rain and unties him. As soon as rain got untied he wrapped his arms around phayu and hugged him so tight. Phayu strokes his hair and rubs his back.

Phayu: it's ok I'm here now. It's ok.

After rain calmed down he pulled away from the hug. Phayu kissed him on his forehead. Safai and a few other guys took care of gun , too and mark.

Phayu: come on let's go. Phayu says holding rains hand.

Rain nods and walks out with phayu. He got on the back of phayu motorbike and wraps his arms around phayu's waist. Phayu then takes off.


Phayu and rain walked into phayu's house. Rain got a shower and went into the bedroom and was laying on the bed. Phayu came up with popcorn. He laid next to rain and wrapped his arm around rain and rain laid his head on phayu's chest. Phayu turned on rains favorite movie.

Phayu: are you sure your ok?

Rain: I'm ok I promise p'phayu. Rain says smiling. Phayu smiles and kisses his forehead.

Phayu: I love you , rain.

Rain: I love you too p'phayu. They both smile at each other. Rain then lays his head back on phayu's chest.

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