zeenunew nunew is scared of needles

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weronikagrass2004 I hope you like it 😊

weronikagrass2004 I hope you like it 😊

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ee and nunew was going to Korea for work/vacation. Nunew was very exited. He's never been to Korea before.

Nunew and zee was already packed. Their flight was tomorrow at 7:30 am. Nunew and zee was at zee's house watching a movie snuggled up together. ( It was 8:30 pm ).

Ring! Ring! Ring! Zee answered the phone.

P'Aof: hi zee , I know it's late I hope I didn't wake you up.

Zee: oh you didn't don't worry , me and nu was just watching a movie.

P'Aof: oh good nunew is with you , I just wanted to let you know that when we go to the airport tomorrow we all have to get vaccinated.

Zee: alright , I'll let nu know then , thanks P'Aof.

P'Aof: alright see you tomorrow then.

Zee: ok bye. Zee hangs up.

Nunew: who was it?

Zee: it was P'Aof , he wanted us to know that when we all go to the Airport tomorrow that we have to get vaccinated.

Nunew got really scared when he heard that. Getting vaccinated means getting poked with a needle. He's terrified of needles.

Zee noticed nunew looking scared and held his hand.

Zee: nu what's wrong?

Nunew: do we have to get vaccinated?

Zee: yes it's a rule if you want to travel , why?

Nunew: i-im scared of needles.

Zee: it's gonna be ok , I'll be right there with you the whole time.

Nunew nods and lays his head on zee's shoulder. Zee rubs nunew's head and smiles at him. Nunew falls asleep on zee's shoulder. Zee falls asleep next to him.

The next morning....

Zee's alarm starts going off. He wakes up and so does nunew. It's about 5:30 am. It takes a little bit to get to the airport so they had to wake up early.

They get up and get showered and dressed. Nunew is terrified to get to the airport. He's playing with his hands and looking out the window almost the whole ride. Zee notices and holds his hand to calm him down.

Nunew smiles at looks back out the window still holding zee's hand. Zee knows nunew is scared and he wishes he could do something to not make him scared. A little while later they arrive at the airport.

They walk into the airport and meet up with the others.

P'Aof: ok the people with the vaccination shots are over there waiting on us.

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