joongdunk , dunk has back pain

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Sunset__26 I hope you like it 😊

Joong and dunk are at the filming studio filming the 7th episode of star in my mind

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Joong and dunk are at the filming studio filming the 7th episode of star in my mind. Joong was practicing some lines and dunk was headed to the bathroom. He walked into the bathroom and did his business , after he used the bathroom he started walking out but he tripped and fell on to his back. He laid there for a few minutes in pain. He finally managed to get up. He walked back to joong and set down on the couch next to him.


The next morning...

Dunk woke up and his back was really score. He had a bruise on it from falling yesterday. Him and joong have a Christmas event today. Doong was picking him up. It took him a few minutes to get up but he finally got up. He hurt a lot when he set up. He got a shower and got dressed. He was wearing a red Christmas sweater with blue snowflakes on it and black pants.

Dunk then went out of his bedroom and into the kitchen. He ate some cereal while waiting for doong 🥣. About 10 minutes later joong pulled op Infront of dunks house. Dunk heard joongs car out front and put his cereal bowl in the sink and went outside. He opened the door and got into the car. He groaned s little bit because of his back when he was sitting down.

Joong: dunk what's wrong?

Dunk: nothing it's just my back. It hurts.

Joong: are you ok to do the event?,

Dunk: I'll be fine.

Joong: I don't want you to be in pain all day though.

Dunk: I'll be fine I promise. Dunk says giving joong a small smile.

Joong nods and drives off. Dunk can't really get comfortable because of his back.


They just arrived at the event. Joong and dunk got out of the car and started walking in the building. Fans started screaming and holding signs up. They waved and smiled at the fans and signed autographs. They walked inside the building signs up. Dunk's back was hurting really bad , he tries to hide his pain so the fans wouldn't worry.


They've been at the event for about 2 hours. They've got one hour left. Doing and dunk are sitting on chairs beside a Christmas tree taking a little break. The other actors are just talking and taking pictures with the fans. Dunk is in a lot of pain. Doing notices and gives dunk a little back rub.

Doong: is it helping?

Dunk: a little. Thanks doong.

Doong: your welcome.

Dunk is enjoying doong's back rub. He was so thankful for doong.

Doing: after this event , you should go home and get rest. Dunk nods and continues enjoying his back rub.


The next day at the filming studio...

Doong and dunk was filming a fighting scene today. Dunk's back was s in a lot of pain. Doong could tell dunk was still in pain.

Director: ok dunk I want you right here , doong your in the next scene. They both nod and dunk gets into position.

Director: action!

The scene...

The guy punched dunk an dunk swung at him. ( It's taking fighting ). The guy then kicked dunk but he accidentally kicked him in the back for real making him fall to the ground in pain.

Director: cut! Cut!

Dunk was laying on the ground in pain. His lack was in even worse pain. Doong rushed over to dunk. Dunk was almost in tears from being in pain.

Doing: dunk are you ok?! Can you get up?

Dunk: n-no , it hurts too bad. Dunk says groaning in pain.

Doong: hold on. Doong wrapped dunks arm around his shoulder and helped him up.

Doong: I'm taking him to the hospital. Doong says to the director. Doong hells him in the car and quickly drives off. He gets to the hospital and sets doong in the waiting room. He signs dunk I'm and waits for the doctor to come. Dunk is bending over not being able to stand up right. Doong is giving him a back rub.

About 15 minutes later the doctor calls them back. Doong helps dunk walk back to their room. He carefully helps him sit up in the bed. The doctor gives dunk somd pain medicine and they take an x-ray of his back. The medicine makes dunk sleepy/drowsy. He's half asleep and half awake. Doong is just watching him and waiting. The doctor says he has a sprained back. They wrap it in a white bandage. They are just waiting for the doctor to bring the release papers back.

Doong: you ok dunk? Doong says checking on dunk.

Dunk: mmm yeah. Your hair is bushy. Dunk says in a drowsy voice and playing with doong's hair. Doong smiles and let's dunk play either his hair.


Dunk got released from the hospital and doong takes dunk to his house so he can't keep an eye on him. ( Doongs house ). He lays dunk down in the bed and puts a pillow behind his back and covers him up. Dunk already falls asleep because of the medicine. doong makes some dinner for dunk while he rest.


1 hour later...

Doong walks into the bedroom with food on the tray and some more medicine. He sets the rest down and he wakes dunk up. Dunk wakes up , doong helps dunk sits up. Dunk groans as he sits up.

Doong: here's some medicine. It'll help with the pain. Dunk nods and swallows the medicine. Doong puts on a movie for dunk and sets the tray by him. Doong sits beside dunk.


The next day.

Dunk stayed over at doong's house. Dunk hasn't got a bath.

Dunk: doong. Doong? Dunk says quietly yelling for doong. Doong comes in.

Doong: yes?

Dunk: can you help me to the bathroom?

Doong: yeah of course. Doong helps him up and into the bathroom. Doong runs hit bath water for dunk. Dunk takes his clothes off and gets into the bath. Doong takes a wash rag and gently wipes dunks body down. He then takes shampoo and rubs it in dunks hair. After he runs it in and washes it out. After the bath doong helps him back to the bed. Dunk is in his pajamas sleeping in joongs chest. Joong has his arms wrapped around dunk and has a movie on.

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