mosbank , bank breaks his arm

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JazzyluvesJohnnysuh I hope you like it 😊

Mos and Bank was filming the 2nd episode of big dragon the series

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Mos and Bank was filming the 2nd episode of big dragon the series. Ms and bank was best friends before their series , they live together. They was really close to each other and their series only brought them even closer.

They was getting ready to leave for the filming studio. Mos was just putting his shoes on and bank was waiting for mos. After mos got his shoes on they left. They was in the car driving and stopped Infront of a red light , bank got a little cold and mos noticed. He turned the heat up for bank , the light then changed to green and mos drove away. When they got to the filming studio , mos parked and they walked in.

They greeted their co-workers and the staff. Mos and Bank went to change for their scene. Mos and Bank was practicing their lines.

Director: alright let's start filming!

Everyone got in place , and the camera started rolling.

Director: action!

The scene.....

Mangkorn and yai was laying in bed. Yai was sleeping and mangkorn was storming yai's hair. He smiled at his cute he is. Yai then woke up.

Mangkorn: good morning. Mangkorn says smiling at yai.

Yai: good morning. Yai says yawning.

Yai gets up and puts a shirt in.

Mangkorn: where you going?

Yai: to get a shower.

Mangkorn: alright , I'll make breakfast.

Yai smiles and walks out of the bedroom.

Director: cut! Alright the next scene is yai walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Yai has to get his hair wet a little bit to make it look like he had a shower.

Director: action!

The scene....

Yai was walking down the stairs , while drying his hair with a towel. He accidentally tripped over his door and fell down the stairs landing on his arm.

Director: cut! cut! Bank are you alright?

Mos rushed over to bank. Bank was holding his wrist/arm and groaning in pain. One of the staff handed them a ice pack , mos put it on banks arm/wrist. Mos helped bank up and walked over to a chair. Bank seat down and mos held the ice pack in banks arm.

Mos: how bad does it hurt?

Bank: bad , I can't move it.

Mos checked his arm and seen it was swelling really bad.

Mos: I think you should go to the hospital.

Bank: what about the scene?

Mos: forget the scene bank , your arm could be broken.

Mos goes and tells the director he's taking bank to the hospital. The director agrees he should go and they get into the car and drive away.

They get to the hospital and wait in the waiting room to be called back. Mos hates seeing bank hurt , he wishes it was him instead or he could take the pain away. They wait there for about 15 minutes. The doctor finally takes them back into a room. Bank sits up on the bed while the doctor checks his arm/wrist out.

Doctor: we're going to need to take an x-ray. It looks broken but we need to be sure just in case.

The doctor takes bank to get an x-ray and mos waits in the room. a few minutes later bank comes back from the x-ray and they wait for the results. They wait for the results for about 20 minutes. The doctor comes back and tells them his arm is broken. They weak it in a cast. When they leave the hospital , mos calls the director and tells him what happened and they get the rest of the day off. Mos takes bank to get ice cream.

They are sitting at a table and eating their ice cream..

Mos: does it still hurt?

Bank: kinda , the medicine is starting helping.

Mos feeds bank a bite of his ice cream. ( Mos ice cream). Bank smiles and they laugh and talk together. After ice cream , they go to s little spot to see the stars. It's dark when they get there. They lay down in the grass and look at the stars. Bank means his should on mos and mos leans his head on bank head. They end up falling asleep.

 They end up falling asleep

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