mewgulf , Gulf has a migraine but the doctors mistakes it for cancer 😵‍💫

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RiEnaRieNa863 I hope you like it 😊

Mew and Gulf we're husbands , they was both CEOs of a big company

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Mew and Gulf we're husbands , they was both CEOs of a big company. They live in a mansion , and have many maids. They share the company but are both the CEOs of it. They get to spend more time with each other since they are both in the same company. it was a normal day , they was heading to the company. Mew noticed Gulf looking pale.

Mew: babe , are you alright? Your looking pale.

Gulf: yea , I have a headache that's all.

Mew: did you take medicine?

Gulf: yeah , I took it before we left.

Mew: alright , let me know if it gets any worse ok.

Gulf: ok , I will.

Mew holds gulfs hand and continues focusing on the road. They soon arrive at the company. Gulf and mew walk into the company and go to their offices. Gulfs office is in the 3rd floor , and mew's office is on the 5th floor. Mew sits dine in his chair and starts doing work and filling out papers. Gulf sits down and dies the same. His headache won't go away , it's starting to get worse. He needs to give papers to keep , he grabs the papers and gets up. He goes on the 5th floor and up to mess office. He walks in and sees mew. Mew looks up and smiles at Gulf.

Mew: hey babe , what did you need? Mew said in a soft tone.

Gulf: i needed to give you these papers.

Mew: ah ok , thank you babe. I love you.

Gulf: i-i love you too. Gulf got light headed and stumbled back a bit , he held his head.

Mew: Gulf what's wrong?! Mew says worried.

Gulf: I-i just got a little light headed i-im fin-gulf stumbled back again. Mew grabbed his arm.

Mew: we're going to the hospital.

Gulf didn't have the energy to argue back so he just followed mew to the car. Mew drove straight to the hospital. They walked in , mew told the front desk lady what's happening and they sat in the waiting room and waited for the doctor. About 10 minutes later the doctor told them to come back. Mew held gulfs hand while walking back to the room. Gulf set on the bed and mew set in a chair beside him while the doctor checked him out.

Doctor: I'm going to take an x-ray scan of your brain to see what's causing your headaches alright.

They take Gulf back for an x-ray. They scan his head and take him to the room. About 15 minutes the doctor comes back with the x-ray and a deviated look on his face.

Doctor: we got the x-ray back and , it's not good news. We found cancer in his brain. We're not really sure how long he has left , I'm so sorry.

The doctor bows and leaves so they can be alone. Gulf was still in shock of what the doctor just said. Gulf looked at mew with tears in his eyes , he was scared. Mew hugged him and Gulf cried into his arms.

Mew: Gulf , I promise you , I'm gonna find a way to get rid of it. It's ok , it's gonna be ok.

Gulf: mew I'm scared. Gulf says crying.

Mew: I know , I know you are , it's going to be ok. Mew was holding tears back , he wanted to be strong for Gulf.

Later that day...

Gulf was laying down in bed and mew was researching brain cancer. He wanted to find acute for Gulf , he'd do anything to save Gulf. He loves Gulf with all his life.

2 days later....

Mew has been non-stop searching for a cure for Gulf. Gulf has just been resting. Mew and ulf we're watching s movie when the doctor called. Mew answers it.

Mew: hello.

Doctor: could you guys come down to the hospital , it's important.

Mew: yeah , we'll be there soon. Thank you for calling.

Mew hung up and looked at gulf worried. They got up and left. When they got to hospital , they was waiting back in a room. The doctor soon came back looking happy.

Doctor: ok so , there was a misunderstanding a few days ago.

Mew: what do you mean?

Doctor: Gulf does not have cancer , it was a migraine. I'm truly sorry I made you guys worry.

Mew: your sorry? You had Gulf scared and me worried to death , I spent the last two days searching for a cure , and all you have to say is sorry.

Doctor: sir , I know but it was really a misunderstanding I'm really sorry.

Gulf: mew , please just call down , let's just go home for now please. Gulf was looking mew in the eye. Mew nodded and took his hand and left. They got home and set back on the couch and resumed their movie. Although mew was pissed , he's so happy Gulf doesn't have cancer. Gulf is also happy , he's so thankful to have mew. They was both on the couch cuddling.

Mew: we're never going back to that hospital again.

Gulf: agreed. Gulf says laughing a little.

Mew: at least your not sick. Gulf smiles at him and kisses him.

Gulf: I love you.

Mew: I love you too. They both smile and Gulf lays his head on mews chest.

Everything went back to normal in their lives , mew sued that hospital a few days later.

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