prapaisky , prapai has a fever

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MaithiliParanjape I hope you like it 😊

Prapai  has been showing up at sky's dorm room all week

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Prapai  has been showing up at sky's dorm room all week. He's been buying him gifts and food.

It's Monday now. Sky was already prepared for prapai to show up at his dorm. Sky grabbed his backpack and left. He hasn't seen prapai show up or follow him yet. He was enjoying the peace at first.

The whole way of walking to his university he thought of prapai. He told himself to just stop thinking about he is. He walked into his first class.

Rain came up to sky.

Rain: hi sky.

Sky: oh hi rain.

Rain: what's wrong?

Sky: nothing , have you finished your project yet?

Rain: it's almost done.

They continues talking about the project. After all of sky's classes he stared heading back to his dorm. He still didn't see prapai. He felt worried about him. He didn't know why he felt so worried about him.

He got back to his dorm room and set his backpack down. He got changed out of his uni outfit into something comfortable.

He sat on the bed and looked at his phone waiting for prapai to text him. He hasn't texted him all day either.

He sighed and put his phone down and laid down. He couldn't sleep all night.

The next morning....

Sky looked at his phone and still no text messages. He wanted to check on him but he didn't even no his address. He knows payu knows his address.

He decided he would just ask payu for it after his classes. He was worried all day. Finally he was done with all his classes for today.

He walked to payu's garage and asked his brother where he was. His brother tike him payu is in the housem sky nods and his brother takes him to payu.

Payu: sky , what are you doing here? Is rain with you?

Sky: uh hi payu , no rain isn't with me , I was just uh wondering what prapai's address is. I have to return something to him.

Payu nods and sends him his address. Sky says thank you and leaves. He starts walking to prapai house.

He soon arrives at his house and walks up to the front door. He knocks on it but no one answers. He checks for a spare key under the mat and finds one.

He unlocks the door and walked in.

Sky: prapai , prapai are you here?!

Sky yells for prapai. He checked the rooms down stairs and didn't find him. He then walked up the stairs.

He checked a few rooms but didn't find him. He slowly turned into a room with turned out to be a bathroom. He seen prapai on the floor breathing heavy and sweating unconscious.

He ran to him and wrapped prapai's arm around him and helped him to a bedroom. He said him in the bed. He then looked for medicine. He found some and quickly rushed back to prapai with it.

Sky: prapai , prapai please wake up.

Prapai slowly opened his eyes. He looked up and saw sky.

Prapai: s-sky. *Cough *cough*

Prapai: here take the medicine. Sky helped prapai sit up. Prapai swallows the medicine.

Prapai: how did you get my address? Prapai says in a weak voice.

Sky: I asked payu for it.

Sky went to get up but prapai grabbed his wrist.

Prapai: please don't go. Prapai says in a whiney voice.

Sky: I'm going to get a wet rag to it on your head. I'll be right back.

Sky then gets up and gets a wet rag and brings it back to prapai. He sets it on his forehead.

Prapai cuddles up to sky and falls asleep. Sky can't help but smile at him. He sits on the bed beside him and rest his head against the bed.

 He sits on the bed beside him and rest his head against the bed

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