jeffbarcode , Jeff gets mad at barcode & barcode gets hit by a car

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Alekuki06 I hope you like it 😊

Thr kinnporsche cast had just got back from Phuket

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Thr kinnporsche cast had just got back from Phuket. They all had fun there , especially barcode. He loved it there , he loves traveling.

They got back around 11:40 am. They was all heading home from the airport. They all got home. Barcode went into his bedroom and as soon as he laid down he fell asleep.

The next morning.....

Barcode's alarm starts going off. He shut it off and got up. They was filming the 12th episode of kinnporsche today. He showered and went downstairs to wait in Jeff. Jeff usually picks him up.

He went outside and set on the porch to wait on Jeff.

A few minutes later Jeff pulled up. Barcode got up and walked to the car and opened it and got in. He buckled up and Jeff took off.

They was all pretty exhausted and tired. Barcode could tell Jeff wasn't really in a mood today.

Barcode just stayed silent and looked out the window untill they arrived at the studio. They soon arrived and they both got out of the car and walked into the studio.

Barcode Was talking with ta and tong and Jeff was changing into his clothes for his scene.

Jeff walked out of the dressing room and asked barcode to hand him his phone. Barcode picked up Jeff's phone and started walking toward Jeff. He accidentally drops his phone on the floor.

Barcode quickly picked it up and saw it was shattered. Jeff quickly walked over and had an angry expression on his face.

Jeff: barcode what the heck! I didn't have anything backed up on it! Why are you so irresponsible.

Barcodes eyes begin to tear up. He hates getting yelled at and he felt bad for breaking his phone. Barcode quickly walked away and went outside in tears. Jeff regretted what he said.

He went to find barcode and apologize to him. barcode was walking lost in his thoughts. He walked out in the road and all he could see is bright headlights coming at him.

Jeff was walking outside to find barcode and seen the car coming barcodes way. He tries yelling for barcode to move but it was too late. He was running to barcode.

Jeff: barcode! Barcode stay awake!

Jeff quickly called an ambulance. He held barcodes hand.

Jeff: everything's going to be fine I promise. Jeff says as tears run down his face.

Barcode was barely conscious. The car that hit him had took off.

Jeff saw the ambulance and kissed barcodes head. They put barcode on a stretcher and put him in the back of the ambulance. Jeff went in back of the ambulance with him.

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