maxnat , Nat is scared of the storm

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weronikagrass2004 I hope you like it😊

MAx and Nat just got done filming the 6th episode of cutpie

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MAx and Nat just got done filming the 6th episode of cutpie. Max is giving Nat a ride home.

They are still at the studio. They are all getting ready to go home.

Nat and nunew are talking.

Nunew: be careful on your way home , I heard it's going to storm really bad.

Nat: krub , I will , are you going with zee? ( Krub means yes).

Nunew: yes , I'm just gonna stay over at his house tonight.

Nat: alright , I'll you tomorrow then.

Nunew: krub , see you tomorrow. Nunew smiles and then walks back to zee. Zee wraps his arm around nunews waist and then walks out with him.

Nat is kinda scared for the storm. He hates storms. He always hated them when he was a kid and he still does.  Nat walks over to max.

Max: ready to go? Max says smiling at Nat.

Nat: krub. Nat says smiling back. Max walks to his car with Nat. Nat gets upfront and max gets in the driver seat.

Max starts driving. As he's driving it starts storming. It's raining heavy.

Max: do you wanna just stay over at my house tonight since it's closer and it's getting ready to storm?

Nat: sure.

Max nods and continue driving. About 10 minutes later they arrive at Max's house.

They run into the house trying not to get wet from the rain. They get inside. They take their shoes off and put their coats on the coat hanger.

Max: you can get a shower first if you want.

Nat nods and heads into the bathroom. Max changed into a clean pair of pajamas. He sits grey sweatpants and a oversized white t-shirt on the bed for Nat.

He then goes into the kitchen and starts making some food for them. After Nat is done he changes into the clothes that max set out for him.

A lightening strike lights up the sky. Nat See's it from the window and gets scared.

Max: Nat! Come here! Max says yelling from the kitchen.

Nat quickly goes to the kitchen. Max sits 2 bowls of noodles down on the table for them.

Max: is noodles ok?

Nat: krub , thank you.

It starts raining harder. After their done eating they head into the bedroom. Max has 1 big bed.

Max lays down and Nat lays down on the other side of the bed.

It starts lighting and thundering.

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