kinnporsche , Porsche has a stalker

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EmaraldBell I hope you like it 😊

Kinn and Porsche are going on a date today

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Kinn and Porsche are going on a date today. They've been wanting to go to this cafe. They are both getting dressed and are both exited to go. Porsche loves trying different cafes , kinn loves making Porsche happy so he always takes him to different kinds of cafe's and restaurants.

Porsche: ai kinn! Can I borrow one of your Sweatshirts!? Porsche says from the room , kinn is in the bathroom. ( The bathrooms In their room ).

Kinn: yea sure baby!

Porsche smiles happy and takes one of kinn's sweatshirt. He puts it on and waits for kinn to come out of the bathroom. About 5 minutes later kinn comes out of the bathroom all dressed and ready to go.

Kinn: well at least I know where all my sweatshirts went now.

Porsche: where?

Kinn: you steal them all. Kinn says chuckling.

Porsche: hey that's not true , I didn't take your dark blue one with the city on it.

Kinn: yeah because I hid it so I can have a sweatshirt. Kinn says still chuckling.

Porsche: oh is that what happen to that sweatshirt? I was looking for it yesterday. How rude of you to hide it. Porsche says walking out of the bedroom. Kinn laughs and follows behind Porsche.


Kinn and Porsche pull up to the cafe. They get out and walk inside. They order their food and go outside and set at a table. There's tables to eat outside. About 10 minutes later the waiter brings them their food. They start eating and enjoying the fresh air.

Kinn: where do you want to go for our next date?

Porsche: hmm , how about the zoo.

Kinn: alright , we'll go to the zoo on are next date , we should probably bring chay to. He'd probably loves to to go the zoo.

Porsche: yeah true , I'll ask later.

Kinn notices a guy keeps staring at Porsche , Porsche also noticed this.

Porsche: maybe he just thinks we're cute together.

Kinn: I don't know , hes kinda creeping me out. 

Porsche: let's finish up then and then we need to go to the store.

Kinn: chi , I need to get a few things.


They finish eating and go to the store. They are walking around buying a few things when Porsche notices the same guy is there.

Porsche: kinn , kinn that guy is here.

Kinn: what's that creep doing here? Did he follow us?

Porsche: I don't know , but I'm kinda getting creoled out now. Let's just ring this stuff up and get out of here.

Kim : agreed.

Just then a flash hits Porsche eyes. Porsche sees the guy taking pictures of him(Porsche). Kinn takes Porsche hand and walks up to the check out place. They pay and leave.


At the house...

It's 11:29 pm. Kinn is in his office doing some business and Porsche is downstairs drinking some warm milk. He was sipping his milk when he heard footsteps coming from the hall way. He thought maybe it was Pete.

Porsche: ai Pete! Pete is that you!? Porsche got no answer. He thought maybe it was Ken or big or someone so he just brushed it off and continued drinking his milk. About 10 minutes past from when he heard the footsteps , he has finished his milk and is now heading upstairs. He walked into his and kinn's bedroom. He goes into their bathroom and showers. after he showers he changed and walks out of the bathroom. He goes to lay down but he heard a noise coming from the closet. He gets his pocket knife and slowly walks toward the closet. He when opens the closet , he starts looking through the clothes. He goes to move a suit but decides not to and just think his imagination is playing tricks on him.

He puts his pocket knife away and walks back to the bed and lays down. About 15 minutes later , he's half asleep. He feels someone get in bed and speaks their arms around him. He figures it's kinn.

Porsche: mm kinn , go to sleep. Porsche says in a sleep voice. Porsche feels breathing on his neck and a creepy voice when the person breathes. Porsche turns around facing him , he realizes it's not kinn and quickly jumps out of the bed.

Porsche: AHH! KINN! KINN HELP! It's the same guy that was following them around today. Porsche opens his pocket knife and aims it at the guy. The guy has a creepy smile on his face and has his phone taking pictures of Porsche. Not even 5 minutes later kinn comes rushing in.

Kinn : Porsche what's wrong?! Kinn them sees the guy in their bed.

Porsche: that creep was laying with me and he was was in the closet I think!

Kinn: get out of our of our house before I shoot you! Kinn says holding a gun up.

The guy just continues smiling creepily at them. Kinn calls the cops on the guy and they soon arrive and come arrest the guy. One of the cops comes up to them.

Cop: we went through his phone and , there were thousands of pictures of Porsche. Some of them were from weeks ago. We deleted them.

Kinn: thank you officer.

Cop: your welcome , and don't worry , he won't bother you again. The cop bows and then leaves. Porsche is holding kinn's hand still sacred. Hearing what the cop said makes even more weirded out and scared.

Kinn: Porsche are you alright?

Porsche: yeah but , it still scares me that he's been following me around for weeks.

Kinn: don't worry , I'll protect you. And he can't get to you , he's rotting in jail.

Porsche nod and hugs kinn. Kinn rubs his back while hugging him. A few minutes later they head to bed. Porsche lays his head on kinn's chest and kinn wraps his arms around Porsche.

Porsche: I love you kinn.

Kinn: I love you too Porsche. They both smile at each other.

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