jeffbarcode , Jeff has a nightmare of barcode dying

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The kinnporsche cast are fine filming for the day. They are all getting ready to leave and go home. Jeff is riding barcode home. Jeff was talking to Mile and apo while wait for Barcode to get done in the bathroom. A few minutes later barcode walks out of the bathroom and walks up to Jeff.

Jeff: ready to go?

Barcode: yep , let's go.

Apo: see you guys tomorrow.

Barcode: bye p'mile , by p'apo.

Jeff and barcode walk to the car and Jeff pulls out and starts driving. They soon arrive at barcode's house.

Jeff: is your parents home?

Barcode: no , their on a work trip.

Jeff: are you going to be ok alone?

Barcode: I'll be fine.

Jeff: are you sure?

Barcode: I'm sure p'jeff.

Jeff: alright , call me if you need anything at all.

Barcode: I will I promise.

Jeff: and don't stay up to late.

Barcode: I won't. Barcode laughs at how Jeff is being.

Jeff: why are you laughing?

Barcode: because , your acting like a parent. Barcode says laughing.

Jeff: I just worry that's all.

Barcode: I know , I'll be fine I promise , and I will call you if I need anything.

Jeff nods and hugs barcode. Barcids then gets out and starts walking into his house. Jeff make sure barcids gets into the house first before diving away. Barcide takes his shoes off and then walks upstairs into his room.

Jeff walks into his house and gets into his pajamas. He goes into the bedroom and lays down. He's worried about barcode being alone. He eventually falls asleep.

Jeff s dream....

Jeff is infront of barcodes house. The door is wide open. He walks in and sees the house trashed like someone broke in. He sees blood on the floor leading up the stairs. He follows the blood trial to barcodes room. He opens barcodes door and sees his lifeless body on the ground with blood all over the floor. There's a bloody knife beside him. Jeff runs to him crying. He holds his lifeless body in his arms.

Jeff then shoots up from bed. He starts panicking worried about barcode. He calls him but no answer. He calls him about 20 more times but still no answer. Tears stream down his face. He quickly puts his robe on and slippers and then quickly leaves. He speeds to barcode's house. He knocks on barcode's door about 5 times. Barcodes finally answers the door. He looks half asleep.

Barcode: p-p'jeff what's wrong.

Jeff is so relieved barcodes ok. He breaks down crying and pulls barcode into a hug.

After Jeff calms down barcids brings him inside. They both sit in the couch.

Barcode:, why was you crying? What happened?

Jeff: I had a bad dream about you. You wasn't answering your phone and I was really worried.

Barcode: oh sorry , it was dead.

Jeff: sorry if I woke you up.

Barcode: it's ok p'jeff.

Jeff: so everythings ok right?

Barcode: yep. are you ok?

Jeff: I'm ok now that I know your ok.

Barcode: do you wanna just stay the night since your already here?

Jeff: yes , it would make me feel better knowing that your ok.

Barcode: ok , let's go to bed then.

Jeff nods and walks up stars with barcode. They both lay on the bed. Jeff pulls barcode's head closer to his chest and wraps his arms around him. Barcids smiles and they both fall asleep.

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