liankuea , kuea gets hit by a car and goes into a coma 💤

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FemaleBadass234 I hope you like it 😊

I have watched this before , I just can't remember every single word they said in this scene , so bare with me 😂 ps: zeenunew are my favorite people in this world

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I have watched this before , I just can't remember every single word they said in this scene , so bare with me 😂 ps: zeenunew are my favorite people in this world.

Lian and kuea was getting ready for lian's dad birthday. Lian is planning on proposing to kuea at the party. Lian is holding the black box with the ring inside. He smiles at it and then hears kuea coming. He quickly puts the ring back into his pocket and turns to kuea. Kuea smiles and links his arm around lian.

Lian: ready? Lian says smiling.

Kuea: yes , I'm ready Lian. Kuea says smiling.

Lian and kuea then walk away.

At the party...

Lian and kuea walk in , yi and diao walks up to them. Diao takes kuea's hand and leads him to a table while smiling brightly. They both sit down while Lian and yi was talking. Diao and kuea start talking about stuff. Lian took kuea and introduced him to some people. After they , kuea went and sit back down because lains dad was going to give a speech now.

Lian's dad: I want to thank everyone who came today. Also I'd like thank to a big thanks to my son Lian , for taking over the company. I'm so proud of you Lian. Lian's dad then handed Liam the microphone.

Lian: I'm very happy that I can take over the company and help my dad out and my mom. I'm very happy I made you guys proud. I love you mom , and dad. Also I'd like to sing a song for a special someone. Lian says looking at kuea.

Lian starts singing. As he's singing , he makes his way over to kuea. He pulls Liam up out of the chair and gets in one knee and pulls out the ring.

Lian: kuea , I love you the most , I'll always love you. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?

Kuea let's go of lians hand and started to tear up.

Kuea: lian , I'm sorry but I don't think we should do this right now. I'm sorry. Kuea bows and apologize to everyone and runs out crying. Tears stream down lians face. He runs after kuea. Kuea gets on the elevator and runs outside. He was crossing the road and wasn't paying attention because he was too lost in his thoughts. He then seen head lights coming his way and didn't have time to move. The car hit up head on.

Lian ran outside and seen a car coming kuea's way.

Lian: kuea move!!!! Lian says running as fast as he could.

Lian: kuea!! KUEA!!!

it was too late , kuea djne got hit. Lian ran over to kuea and held him in his arms crying. Yo and diao also came out and seen what happened. Yi quickly called the ambulance. Lian was holding kuea's hand and crying.

At the hospital...

Kuea was rushed back into somewhere while the other had to wait in the waiting room. Lian was crying uncontrollably , diao was also crying. Yi was hugging diao trying to calm him down , the doctor came out and they all stood up.

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