rainphayu , rain and phayu argue and phayu walks out

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kahiorigin I hope you like it 😊

kahiorigin I hope you like it 😊

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Phayu wakes up beside rain. He smiles and kisses his forehead. Rain wakes up and looks up at phayu.

Phayu: good morning.

Rain: good morning. Rain says in a morning voice.

Phayu: you have to get ready for uni.

Rain grains and Barrie's his face into phayu's chest. Phayu smiles and strokes rains hair.

Phayu: rain , you can't go back to sleep.  Phayu says smiling/laughing.

Rain: just five more minutes please. Rain says in a whiney voice.

Phayu: rain you'll be late.

Rain: ok ok I'm getting.

Phayu: I'll take you to get something to eat after uni.

Rain: ok.

Rain gets up and goes and showers. After he showers he changed into his uni outfit. After he changed he walks downstairs , phayu is in the kitchen making breakfast. Rain sits down at the counter and waits. Phayu sets two bowls of cereal and some toast on the counter and he sits next to rain.

Rain: thank you p'phayu. Rain says smiling and taking a bite of his cereal.

Phayu: do you want me to drive you to university? Phayu says taking a bite of his cereal.

Rain: no it's ok , som and ple is coming to get me.

Phayu:, ple?

Rain: mhm. Rain says nodding his head.

Phayu: I don't think it's a good idea that you hang out with her rain.

Rain: why not?

Phayu: because , it's just she seems flirty with you and you used to like her.

Rain: p'phayu , I don't like her anymore. And she's not flirty , we're just friends.

Phayu: yeah but , I still don't like you hanging out with her rain.

Rain: I have to go now or I'm gonna be late. Rain pecks phayu's lips and grabs his bag. He walks out the door and leaves. Phayu sighs and continues eating his cereal.

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