zeenunew , nunew pranks zee that he fainted

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weronikagrass2004 I hope you like it 😊

weronikagrass2004 I hope you like it 😊

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Nunew and zee has a interview today. They both was already in the car ready to leave. Zee pulled out of the drive way and started driving.

They arrived about 20 minutes later. They get out of the car and walk up to the interview people. ( I don't know the people's names so we will just call them Paris and keiella ).

Keiella: omg hey guys! It's so nice to meet tout gus!

Paris: nunew come with us for a moment we want to show you something , zee talk with keiella for a moment.

Before they could say anything Paris drags nunew away.

Paris: ok ok ok , so me and keiella had this idea , you should prank zee that you faint and see his reaction. What do you say?

Nunew: krub , this is going to be fun. ( Krub means yes ).

Paris squeals in excitement and takes nunew back to everyone else.

Zee puts his arm around nunew waist and scoots him closer to him. They two girls smile when zee did that.

Paris: ok we'll start in just a moment. They both nod and stand and wait to start filming.

Nunew holds his head acting like it hurt. Zee looked at nunew worried.

Zee: nu what's wrong?

Nunew: nothing , just a little headache that's all. I'm ok hia.

Zee nods but still worried. The two girls then come back smiling and ready to start filming.

Keiella: ok everyone ready?!

Zee: krub.

Paris: are you ok nunew? Your looking pale.

Nunew: I'm ok. Nunew says smiling.

Keiella: alright kete start then.

They press record on the camera. Zee pulls nunew closer to him still worried about him.

Paris: hello everyone! I'm Paris!

Keiella: and I'm keiella!

Paris: today we have 2 very special guest!

Zee: hello everyone , I'm zee pruk.

Nunew: hello I'm nunew chawarin!

Paris: today we're going to play a game , zee and nunew are going to take 4 pictures of their self one by one and see if they match the same poses.

Nunew pretended his food lost balance and almost fell but zee quickly pulled nunews arm toward him so he wouldn't fall.

Zee: nu! Are you ok?

Nunew: ok alright , I almost fell. Nunew says laughing a little bit.

Paris: let's take a little break.

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