mewgulf , gulf gets allergic reaction

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RiEnaRieNa863 I hope you like it 😊

Mew and Gulf are married , they live in a mansion with maids and butter's

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Mew and Gulf are married , they live in a mansion with maids and butter's. They treat them all equally and fair. They treat them like family. Mew and Gulf are having a special dinner tonight , it's gulfs birthday today. Mew had the maids plan a special dinner for them. They are in their bedroom getting ready for the diner. Mew comes up from behind and back hugs Gulf. He kisses gulf on the neck.

Mew: you look beautiful my love. Happy birthday.

Gulf: thank you , you look handsome.

Mew: thank you my love.

Gulf: thank you for the dinner.

Mew: anytbjng for my birthday boy.

One of the maids then comes in.

Maid:, um sir , dinner is ready.

Mew: thank you , we'll be out in a minute.

The maid bows and leaves. Mew turns Gulf around and Gulf wraps his arms around mews neck. Mew kisses Gulf on the lips. They both move their lips in sync.

Mew: shall we go to dinner now? Mew says holding gulfs hand.

Gulf nods and walks out into the kitchen. They set down at the table. Theirs all kinds of foods on the table. They start eating and talking.

Mew: babe , I was thinking , tomorrow I wanted to take you to a new art gallery for your birthday.

Gulf: that's so sweet of you babe. Thank you so much. Gulf says pecking mew on the lips.

They continue eating. Gulf eats a piece of shrimp but doesn't know it. He thinks it's something else. He's very allergic to shrimp. A few minutes after eating the shrimp , his face starts to swell up. his throat starts to close up and he begins not being able to breathe. He falls to the ground holding his throat with his hands. He's gaspikg for air. Mew panic when he sees this.

Mew: Gulf! Gulf! Where your epi pen!

Gulf: b-be-edroom.

Mew quickly runs to the bedroom and grabs the epi pen out of the night stand and rushes back to Gulf. He stabs Gulfs leg with it. A few minutes later Gulf starts being able to breathe again.

Gulf:* cough * cough.

Mew: are you ok babe!? Mew says worried.

Gulf: yea.* Cough * cough.

The maids then came rushing to see what had happened. Mew spots the shrimp on the table.

Mew: who the hell out shrimp out! Gulf is allergic to it!

Maid: s-sir , I did , I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Mr.gulf I'm so sorry.

Mew was getting ready to tell when Gulf grabbed his hand and looked at him.

Gulf: mew , she didn't know , it's ok. How was she supposed to know. Mew sighs and Gulf calms him down.

Gulf: let's go to the bedroom now. Mew nods and they go back into the bedroom. They change into pajamas and Gulf lays on the bed. Mew brings Gulf some warm soup and turns on a movie. He lays beside Gulf and covers them up with the blanket.

Mew: happy birthday babe.

Gulf: thank you babe. I love you.

Mew: I love you too.

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