kongpobarthit , arthit has a allergic reaction

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asdfaltjkl I hope you like it 😊
Heads up: sorry if I don't get their characters right , I never actually watched this show before. I just heard of it and I only know their two names.

Kong and arthit have been dating for a year now

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Kong and arthit have been dating for a year now. Their both in college. They had a minor fight this morning.


Arthit just got out of the shower , Kong was eating breakfast. He usually stays over at arthit dorm room.

Arthit: kong , I told you to quit leaving your towel on on the floor.

Kong: I didn't , it probably fell or something.

Arthit: I put it where it couldn't fall , your the only one who uses it and puts it in the floor.

Kong: but I didn't this time.

Arthit: Kong , just please quit putting it in the floor.

Kong: but I didn't , you must have out it where it could fall.

Arthit: no , i put it somewhere it couldn't fall.

Kong: fine then , blame me , I'll just go back to my own dorm.

Arthit: fine.

King got mad and left , he went back to his own dorm.

End of flashback.

Kong was headed to class , he wanted to talk to arthit but was too stubborn to. He got into his uni outfit and headed out.

Arthit was getting ready for uni , he was still upset about the fight him and Kong had yesterday. He wanted to talk to him but was too stubborn. he then headed out to uni. when he got to uni , he met yo with his friends. he walked with them to their first class.

Friend: you ok?

Arthit: yea.

Friend: you sure? Usually your walking with Kong to first class.

Arthit: we fought about something stupid.

Friend: I'm sure you'll clear things up soon. You guys can't stay mad at each other longer than an hour.

Arthit nods and they walk into the classroom and sit down. arthit can't concentrate the whole class. All he can think about is the fight him and Kong had. After class they head to lunch. Arthit orders a muffin and a juice. He sits down at a table with his friends. He started eating the muffin and then realizes it has peanuts in it. He falls to the floor gasping for air , his face is swelling and he's barely conscious.

Kong was walking to his class , he seen Arthits friend carrying him. Arthit was barely conscious and barely breathing. He quickly ran to them.

Kong: what happened!

Friend: I think he ate something he's allergic to!

They quickly rush him to the car and speed to the hospital. Kong was in the waiting room waiting. Kong felt so guilty and worried. He berrier his face into his hands and sobbed. A little while later the doctor comes up to him.

Kong:h-how is he?

Doctor: he's going to be alright , he's awake if you want to see him. Room 14.

Kong nods and quickly walks back to Arthits room. He saw arthit sitting up and rushed to him , he hugged him tightly.

Kong: in so sorry arthit , I'm sorry , the towel was my fault and if we wouldn't had fought about it you wouldn't have eaten that stupid muffin. Kong says in tears.

Arthit:, Kong , Kong it's ok. It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry for blaming instead of asking you. Arthit says pulling kong into his lap.

Arthit: how about we forgive each other and get ice cream after this.

Kong: sounds like a plan. Arthit leans in and kisses Kong.

Kong: I love you.

Arthit: I love you to. They both smile at each other.

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