phayurain , rain was pregnant when he was kidnaped 🪑 🪢

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Lovelessfukai I hope you like it 😊

Lovelessfukai I hope you like it 😊

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6:30 am...

Rain stayed over at phayu's house last night , he usually does. He woke up feeling sick to his stomach. He quickly ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet vomiting. Phayu seen rain running to the bathroom and quickly went to check in him.

*Rain throwing up *.

Phayu: are you ok babe? Phayu says rubbing rains back.

Rain: I'm fine. I thinks it's just something I ate.

Phayu: do you want some water? Rain nods his head and phayu goes and gets rains water. Rain slowly sips it.

Phayu: you should skip uni today.

Rain: I can't I hav-rain throwing up again.

Phayu: your not going , you can do your project after your better.

Rain: fine. Rain flushes the toilet.

Phayu helps rain back to the bed. He goes down stairs and gets some medicine and soup. He brings it back up and sits it on the night stand next to rain. Rain Gags from the smell of the soup. Phayu quickly brings the garbage can over and rain throws up again.

Phayu: I'm gonna tell my boss I can't come in today , I'll stay here with you.

Rain: no , I don't want you to get in trouble just because I'm sick , I'll be fine.

Phayu: I don't care if i get in trouble , your more important.

Rain: l'phayu , I'll be fine , if I need anything I'll have p'safai bring it up to me ok.

Phayu: are you sure?

Rain: yes , now go get ready for work.

Phayu nods and goes to walk away.

Rain: you forgot something. Phayu looks at him confused. Rain points to his cheek. Phayu smiles and kisses his cheek.

Phayu: his could I forget are morning kisses. Phayu kisses him a bunch more times. Rain smiles and phayu leaves for work.

11:30 pm...

Rain is just laying on the bed scrolling through his phone while eating some crackers. He hears a noise coming from outside. He gets up and walks outside. He doesn't see anything and goes to walk back inside , before he could someone covers his mouth with their hand and knocked him out and puts him in the trunk of a white van and drives off.

30 minutes later...

Phayu gets home and walks upstairs but doesn't see rain. He checks the bathroom to see if he was sick again but be wasn't in there. He then went downstairs and checked all over the house but didn't find rain anywhere. He started panicking and working. Safari them walked in.

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