bounprem , prem is sick and boun takes care of him

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LunaMoon741 I hope you like it 😊

LunaMoon741 I hope you like it 😊

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6:45 am...

Prem and bouns alarms started going off. They had to shoot the 3rd episode of between us. Boun and prem are dating , they've been dating for a year now. Prem usually always stays over at bouns house.

Boun woke up and seen prem still asleep. He noticed prem was sweating. He felt prems forehead and got worried. Prem had a small fever. Prem then opens his eyes and sees boun feeling his forehead.

Prem: what are you doing? Prem says in a raspy voice. *Cough *cough.

Boun: you have a small fever.

Prem: *cough*cough. I'll be fine.

Boun: I'm going to get you some medicine.

Prem nods and boun goes and gets him some medicine. A few minutes later he comes back and hands the medicine to prem. Prem swallows it.

Prem: we should get ready now.

Boun: are you going to be ok to film?

Prem: yes , I'll be fine.

Boun nods still worried. They both get up and shower. They change and the head out.


In the car...

Boun is driving while prem is resting his head back on the seat. Boun jas the head up for prem , he also gave prem one of his sweatshirts to wear. ( Blum's sweatshirt ). Boun keeks glancing over at prem making sure he's ok. They soon arrive at the filming studio. Boun looks over and sees prem asleep. He gently taps him waking him up. Prem rubs his eyes and unbuckles. Boun gets out and opens the door for prem. Prem gets out and they walk in together. Boun jas his arm around bouns waist.

Boun: are you sure your ok?

Prem: yeah , but can you get me some water?

Boun; of course , go and sit down , I'll brimg it to you. Prem nods and goes and sits down on a couch. Boun brings him a bottle of water. Prem takes a few sips of it and then sets it down. Fluke and ohm them walk over.

Fluke: prem what's wrong? Why do you look pale?

Boun: he's got a bit of a fever.

Prem: I'll be fine guys.

Ohm: did you take medicine?

Prem: yeah , I took some before we left.

Boun: prem , rest untill we start filming na.

Prem: alright. Boun sits beside him and Kay's prems head on his lap. Boun strokes his hair and prem falls asleep on bouns lap.


Everyone's getting ready to start filming. Boun and prem are reading I er their lines with everyone else.

Prem: *cough *cough.

Boun: are you ok? Boun says holding prems hand.

Prem: mhm.

Boun: does your head still hurt?

Prem: yeah , but I think the medicine is sagrting to help.

Boun: ok , it's Good that the medicine is helping. When we get home , you need to take some more ok.

Prem: ok.

Prem: *sniff*sniff *sneeze*

Boun: do you need a tissue?

Prem: yes.

Boun quickly gets prem a couple of tissues. Prem blows his nose s few times , he goes to get up throws the tissues away but boun takes them and throws them away instead. Prem is so thankful to have boun.

Director: ok keys start shooting the first scene!

Boun takes prems hand and walks over to the scene area. They start filming their first scene.


They finished the first scene. Prems throat was hurting , it made it worser because he had to scream in the scene. Prem was sitting down at the table with his head down. Boun walks over and sits next to prem. He starts giving prem a back rub. Prem smiles at boun and pecks his cheek.

Prem: thank you for taking such good care of me.

Boun: your welcome. I'm always going to take care of you. I love you.

Prem: I love you too.


They have finished filming for today. Boun and prem are at home. Prem is laying in bed coverd up , boun is in the kitchen making prem some soup. Boun walks into the bedroom with soup and some medicine. He sets it next do prem. Prem swallows the medicine. Boun sits next to prem and turns on a move and covers them both up. They cuddle up and prem says his soup while watching the movie with boun.


Prem had fallen asleep. He's sleeping on bouns chest. Boun smiles and turns the TV off , he then covers them both up some more and rest his head back. He kisses prems forehead.

Boun: Goodnight my precious angel.

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