liankuea , Lian locks kuea out of the house and kuea gets sick 😷

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MaahiMaurya I hope you like it 😊

MaahiMaurya I hope you like it 😊

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In the car...

Kuea was holding his two stuffed animals that Lian got him for his birthday. He Barrie's his face in them and cried. Lian was making kuea move in with him , and kuea did not want that. When they got to lian's house , Lian showed kuea his room. Kuea unpacked his stuff and set on the bed thinking of a way to get out of all of this. Kuea then thought , if he annoyed lian he would kick him out and he could go back to his normal life. Kuea smiles at the idea and got his plan in action.


Kuea went down stairs and into lians office and seen he was working so this would be the perfect time to annoy him. He walks in and walks up to lian's desk.

Kuea: Lian , when's dinner?

Lian: soon , I just have to do this file real quick. If you want you , there's snacks in the kitchen you can eat some of them untill I'm done.

Kuea: but I want dinner now , pleaseee.

Lian: kuea , I'm busy right now. Go and eat the snacks for now.

Kuea: fine.

Kuea leaves lian's office Lian smirks as kuea leaves , Lian knows what kuea is trying to do , he knows him too well.


Kuea was in his bedroom thinking of ways to annoy Lian. he smiles when he gets an idea. About 15 minutes later Lian calls him down for dinner and kids comes down. He sits down at the table. Lian sets the plates of food on the table and sits down.

Kuea: lian , I don't like it.

Lian: you haven't even tried it yet. Try if , I bet you'll like it.

Kuea takes a bite and makes a disgusted face.

Kuea: it's gross , I don't like it. Make me something else please. Lian is holding back his laughter.

Lian: alright , what would you like?

Kuea is confused , why isn't he getting mad yet. How is he so calm.

Kuea: pad prick king fish and crispy  pork basil. ( Their Thai foods ).

Lian: alright , I'll make that for dinner then. Lian says calmly and the walking back into the kitchen. Kuea is confused on why lian's not getting annoyed yet and how he's so calm. Kuea decided to just give up on annoying him , he'll just have to live with Lian. Kuea pouts about this but he's got no other choice.


After dinner kuea goes up into his room and lays on his bed. He does have to admit , this bed is pretty comfy. He rolls around on the bed and accidentally falls off of it. He fell on his butt so he didn't get hurt. He gets up and fixes the bed and then lays down and falls asleep.

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