prapaisky , sky's ex harras sky and rain

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kittyarora5 I hope you like it 😊

Rain is staying with sky tonight untill prapai comes

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Rain is staying with sky tonight untill prapai comes. rain is just going to meet sky at his dorm room. Rain told phayu where he was giving to be so he wouldn't worry to much. He packed some pajamas and put them in his backpack , he then left the house and went to sky's dorm room. He knocked on the door and shy answered it. Rain came in and set his stuff down.

Rain: so , which scary movie shall we watch first?

Sky: you can pick this time.

Rain: alright , but I'm warning you it's going to be really scary.

Sky: ok , I'll make popcorn then.

Rain smiles and flops on the couch , he turns the terrifier 2. Sky sits down with popcorn and they start watching the movie. they both fall asleep watching the movie.

1:30 am...

Rain gets woken up by a loud knock coming from the door. He yawns and gets up. When he opens the door his easy grow wide and fill with fear. It was sky's ex with 2 other guys , top and Michael. Before rain could do anything , top kicked him and pinned him to the ground , sky then woke up and seen what was going on.

Sky: rain! Let him go!

Sky's ex then grabbed a hold of sky and threw him in the bedroom. Rain kicked the guy in his area and ran to the bedroom door. It was locked z rain kicked and pounded ont he door.

Rain: let him go you assholes! Open this door right now! Sky! Sky I'm coming!

Top pinned rain against the wall , he wrapped his hands around rains neck. Rain couldn't breathe. He was gasping and choking for air. Rain took all the strength he had and kicked the guy again. He dropped rain on the ground. Rain started gasping and coughing. He crawled to the phone and started texting phayu. Top then kicked rain in the side , rain was holding his side , laying in the floor groaning. Top then kicked rain a couple more times. Rain took sky the strength he had in him and sent the text to phayu.

Phayu and prapai was trying to call rain and sky so nay times , they was worried sick. Phayu then got a text message from phayu.

Rain: help.

Phayu and prapai quickly got on their motorbikes and speeded off.

Sky's ex had him pinned to the bed.

Ex: did you miss me?

Sky: get off of me! Leave me alone!

Ex: I'm going to have my fun first.

Ex started touching sky in his member. He started taking sky's shirt off. 

Prapai and sky quickly opened the door. Phayu seen rain laying unconscious and ran to him. Top went to hit phayu but phayu knocked him out. Prapai heard sky screaming from the bedroom and ran to the door.

Phayu: rain , rain came on wake up. Your gonna be ok , I promise.

Prapai kicked the door in , and threw ex into the ground. He started kicking him and punching him untill he was bleeding and unconscious. He then went to sky. Sky immediately hugged prapai.

Prapai: it's ok , your ok now I'm right here. Your alright now. Sky sobbed into his arms.

Phayu was trying to wake rain up but rain wasn't waking up. Prapai and sky walks out of the bedroom. Sky quickly went to rain.

Sky: rain , please wake up.

Phayu is holding rains hand and trying to wake him up. A few minutes later rain opens his eyes and looks up to see prapai ,phayu and sky. Phayu pulls rain into a hug.

Phayu: thank God your ok. You had me so worried. You wasn't waking up.

Sky: rain , are you ok?

Rain: I'm ok , are you ok sky?

Sky: I'm fine.

Fear then rise in rains eyes.

Rain: prapai watch out!

Ex was getting ready to stab him with a knife from behind. Prapai quickly kicked the knife out if his hand and pinned him to the floor.

Prapai: you deserve to rott in hell you bastard!

The police then barged in. They handcuffed top and ex and took them out. Sky ran and hugged prapai.

Sky: are you ok?.

Prapai: I'm alright don't worry. Are you hurt anywhere?

Sky: no.

Phayu helped rain up off of the ground and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. They all deiced at phayu's house tonight. They went to the car and drive to phayu's house. Prapai took sky's hand and leads him to a bedroom , and phayu took rains hand and leads him to their bedroom. Phayu cleaned rains wounds and bandaged them. He kisses rains forehead and lays rains head on his chest and they both fall asleep.

Prapai and sky's room...

Sky had his head on prapai's chest laying down. Prapai was stroking his hair and holding his hand.

Prapai: are you ok sky?

Sky: I'm ok.

Prapai: I love you.

Sky: I love you to.

Prapai kisses his head and they fall asleep.

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